Read Only

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

CD-ROMs that support the CD-ROM file system (CDFS) are treated as imported media when first identified by RSM. These imported media can be moved to other user-defined application media pools for further organization and cataloging. A user-defined string can be created in the database to allow users to more easily locate their specific volumes. For CD-ROM, duplicate OMIDs are likely (because the OMIDs are on the same CD-ROM), and these are tracked. During inventory, two identical CD-ROMs can get their user-defined descriptions exchanged, but this is not a problem because they are identical.

RSM accesses the disk drive at the driver level. After an RSM mount, the application can view the volume as a mapped drive (for example, E:\). As part of updating drive configuration, both the volume name and the mapped name are available in the RSM database so the application can access the medium with either handle.

DVD-ROM and UDF support are not available in Windows NT 5.0.