Access Control Functions

The following functions are used with privileges.

AllocateLocallyUniqueId Windows NT 3.1 and later
LookupPrivilegeDisplayName Windows NT 3.1 and later
LookupPrivilegeName Windows NT 3.1 and later
LookupPrivilegeValue Windows NT 3.1 and later

The following functions are used with access tokens.

AdjustTokenGroups Windows NT 3.1 and later
AdjustTokenPrivileges Windows NT 3.1 and later
DuplicateToken Windows NT 3.1 and later
GetTokenInformation Windows NT 3.1 and later
OpenProcessToken Windows NT 3.1 and later
OpenThreadToken Windows NT 3.1 and later
SetTokenInformation Windows NT 3.1 and later
SetThreadToken Windows NT 3.51 and later
DuplicateTokenEx Windows NT 4.0 and later
CheckTokenMembership Windows NT 5.0 and later
CreateRestrictedToken Windows NT 5.0 and later
IsTokenRestricted Windows NT 5.0 and later

The following functions are used with security identifiers (SIDs).

AllocateAndInitializeSid Windows NT 3.1 and later
CopySid Windows NT 3.1 and later
EqualPrefixSid Windows NT 3.1 and later
EqualSid Windows NT 3.1 and later
FreeSid Windows NT 3.1 and later
GetLengthSid Windows NT 3.1 and later
GetSidIdentifierAuthority Windows NT 3.1 and later
GetSidLengthRequired Windows NT 3.1 and later
GetSidSubAuthority Windows NT 3.1 and later
GetSidSubAuthorityCount Windows NT 3.1 and later
InitializeSid Windows NT 3.1 and later
IsValidSid Windows NT 3.1 and later
LookupAccountName Windows NT 3.1 and later
LookupAccountSid Windows NT 3.1 and later

The following functions are used to get and set the components of an object's security descriptor.

GetSecurityDescriptorControl Windows NT 3.51 and later
CancelOverlappedAccess Windows NT 5.0 and later
ConvertAccessToSecurityDescriptor Windows NT 5.0 and later
ConvertSecurityDescriptorToAccess Windows NT 5.0 and later
ConvertSecurityDescriptorToAccessNamed Windows NT 5.0 and later
GetNamedSecurityInfoEx Windows NT 5.0 and later
GetOverlappedAccessResults Windows NT 5.0 and later
GetSecurityInfoEx Windows NT 5.0 and later
SetNamedSecurityInfoEx Windows NT 5.0 and later
SetSecurityDescriptorControl Windows NT 5.0 and later
SetSecurityInfoEx Windows NT 5.0 and later

The following functions are used to manipulate access-control lists.

BuildTrusteeWithName Windows NT 4.0 and later
BuildTrusteeWithSid Windows NT 4.0 and later
GetTrusteeForm Windows NT 4.0 and later
GetTrusteeName Windows NT 4.0 and later
GetTrusteeType Windows NT 4.0 and later
SetEntriesInAccessList Windows NT 5.0 and later
SetEntriesInAuditList Windows NT 5.0 and later
TrusteeAccessToObject Windows NT 5.0 and later

The following access-control functions are obsolete. Do not use them.
