
The IsValidSecurityDescriptor function determines whether the components of a security descriptor are valid.

BOOL IsValidSecurityDescriptor(
  PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor   // address of security 
                                             // descriptor


Points to a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure that the function validates.

Return Values

If the components of the security descriptor is valid, the return value is nonzero.

If any of the components of the security descriptor is not valid, the return value is zero. There is no extended error information for this function; do not call GetLastError.


The IsValidSecurityDescriptor function checks the validity of the components that are present in the security descriptor. It does not verify whether certain components are present.


  Windows NT: Requires version 3.1 or later.
  Windows: Unsupported.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in winbase.h.
  Import Library: Use advapi32.lib.

See Also

Low-Level Access-Control Overview, Low-Level Access Control Functions, GetSecurityDescriptorControl, GetSecurityDescriptorDacl, GetSecurityDescriptorGroup, GetSecurityDescriptorLength, GetSecurityDescriptorOwner, GetSecurityDescriptorSacl, InitializeSecurityDescriptor, IsValidAcl, IsValidSid, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, SetSecurityDescriptorDacl, SetSecurityDescriptorGroup, SetSecurityDescriptorOwner, SetSecurityDescriptorSacl