The COMSTAT structure contains information about a communications device. This structure is filled by the ClearCommError function.

typedef struct _COMSTAT { 
    DWORD fCtsHold : 1;   // Tx waiting for CTS signal 
    DWORD fDsrHold : 1;   // Tx waiting for DSR signal 
    DWORD fRlsdHold : 1;  // Tx waiting for RLSD signal 
    DWORD fXoffHold : 1;  // Tx waiting, XOFF char received 
    DWORD fXoffSent : 1;  // Tx waiting, XOFF char sent 
    DWORD fEof : 1;       // EOF character sent 
    DWORD fTxim : 1;      // character waiting for Tx 
    DWORD fReserved : 25; // reserved 
    DWORD cbInQue;        // bytes in input buffer 
    DWORD cbOutQue;       // bytes in output buffer 


Specifies whether transmission is waiting for the CTS (clear-to-send) signal to be sent. If this member is TRUE, transmission is waiting.
Specifies whether transmission is waiting for the DSR (data-set-ready) signal to be sent. If this member is TRUE, transmission is waiting.
Specifies whether transmission is waiting for the RLSD (receive-line-signal-detect) signal to be sent. If this member is TRUE, transmission is waiting.
Specifies whether transmission is waiting because the XOFF character was received. If this member is TRUE, transmission is waiting.
Specifies whether transmission is waiting because the XOFF character was transmitted. If this member is TRUE, transmission is waiting. Transmission halts when the XOFF character is transmitted to a system that takes the next character as XON, regardless of the actual character.
Specifies whether the end-of-file (EOF) character has been received. If this member is TRUE, the EOF character has been received.
If this member is TRUE, there is a character queued for transmission that has come to the communications device by way of the TransmitCommChar function. The communications device transmits such a character ahead of other characters in the device's output buffer.
Reserved; do not use.
Specifies the number of bytes received by the serial provider but not yet read by a ReadFile operation.
Specifies the number of bytes of user data remaining to be transmitted for all write operations. This value will be zero for a nonoverlapped write.


  Windows NT: Requires version 3.1 or later.
  Windows: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Windows CE: Requires version 1.0 or later.
  Header: Declared in winbase.h.

See Also

Communications Overview, Communication Structures, ClearCommError, ReadFile, TransmitCommChar