The CONVINFO structure contains information about a DDE conversation.
typedef struct tagCONVINFO { // ci
DWORD hUser;
HCONV hConvPartner;
HSZ hszSvcPartner;
HSZ hszServiceReq;
HSZ hszTopic;
HSZ hszItem;
UINT wFmt;
UINT wType;
UINT wStatus;
UINT wConvst;
UINT wLastError;
HWND hwnd;
HWND hwndPartner;
Value | Meaning |
XTYP_ADVDATA | Informs a client that advise data from a server has arrived. |
XTYP_ADVREQ | Requests a server to send updated data to the client during an advise loop. This transaction results when the server calls DdePostAdvise. |
XTYP_ADVSTART | Requests a server to begin an advise loop with a client. |
XTYP_ADVSTOP | Notifies a server that an advise loop is stopping. |
XTYP_CONNECT | Requests a server to establish a conversation with a client. |
XTYP_CONNECT_CONFIRM | Notifies a server that a conversation with a client has been established. |
XTYP_DISCONNECT | Notifies a server that a conversation has terminated. |
XTYP_EXECUTE | Requests a server to execute a command sent by a client. |
XTYP_MONITOR | Notifies an application registered as APPCMD_MONITOR that DDE data is being transmitted. |
XTYP_POKE | Requests a server to accept unsolicited data from a client. |
XTYP_REGISTER | Notifies other DDEML applications that a server has registered a service name. |
XTYP_REQUEST | Requests a server to send data to a client. |
XTYP_UNREGISTER | Notifies other DDEML applications that a server has unregistered a service name. |
XTYP_WILDCONNECT | Requests a server to establish multiple conversations with the same client. |
XTYP_XACT_COMPLETE | Notifies a client that an asynchronous data transaction has been completed. |
Value | Meaning |
ST_ADVISE | One or more links are in progress. |
ST_BLOCKED | The conversation is blocked. |
ST_BLOCKNEXT | The conversation will block after calling the next callback. |
ST_CLIENT | The conversation handle passed to the DdeQueryConvInfo function is a client-side handle. If the handle is zero, the conversation handle passed to the DdeQueryConvInfo function is a server-side handle. |
ST_CONNECTED | The conversation is connected. |
ST_INLIST | The conversation is a member of a conversation list. |
ST_ISLOCAL | Both sides of the conversation are using the DDEML. |
ST_ISSELF | Both sides of the conversation are using the same instance of the DDEML. |
ST_TERMINATED | The conversation has been terminated by the partner. |
Value | Meaning |
XST_ADVACKRCVD | The advise transaction has just been completed. |
XST_ADVDATAACKRCVD | The advise data transaction has just been completed. |
XST_ADVDATASENT | Advise data has been sent and is awaiting an acknowledgement. |
XST_ADVSENT | An advise transaction is awaiting an acknowledgement. |
XST_CONNECTED | The conversation has no active transactions. |
XST_DATARCVD | The requested data has just been received. |
XST_EXECACKRCVD | An execute transaction has just been completed. |
XST_EXECSENT | An execute transaction is awaiting an acknowledgement. |
XST_INCOMPLETE | The last transaction failed. |
XST_INIT1 | Mid-initiate state 1. |
XST_INIT2 | Mid-initiate state 2. |
XST_NULL | Pre-initiate state. |
XST_POKEACKRCVD | A poke transaction has just been completed. |
XST_POKESENT | A poke transaction is awaiting an acknowledgement. |
XST_REQSENT | A request transaction is awaiting an acknowledgement. |
XST_UNADVACKRCVD | An unadvise transaction has just been completed. |
XST_UNADVSENT | An unadvise transaction is awaiting an acknowledgement. |
Windows NT: Requires version 3.1 or later.
Windows: Requires Windows 95 or later.
Windows CE: Unsupported.
Header: Declared in ddeml.h.
Dynamic Data Exchange Management Library Overview, Dynamic Data Exchange Management Structures, CONVCONTEXT, DdeInitialize, DdePostAdvise, DdeQueryConvInfo