The MONHSZSTRUCT structure contains information about a DDE string handle. A DDE monitoring application can use this structure when monitoring the activity of the string manager component of the DDE Management Library.

typedef struct tagMONHSZSTRUCT { // mhst 
    UINT   cb; 
    BOOL   fsAction; 
    DWORD  dwTime; 
    HSZ    hsz; 
    HANDLE hTask; 
    TCHAR   str[1]; 


Specifies the structure's size, in bytes.
Specifies the action being performed on the string identified by the hsz member.
Value Meaning
MH_CLEANUP An application is freeing its DDE resources, causing the system to delete string handles the application had created. (The application called the DdeUninitialize function.)
MH_CREATE An application is creating a string handle. (The application called the DdeCreateStringHandle function.)
MH_DELETE An application is deleting a string handle. (The application called the DdeFreeStringHandle function.)
MH_KEEP An application is increasing the usage count of a string handle. (The application called the DdeKeepStringHandle function.)

Specifies the Windows time at which the action specified by the fsAction member takes place. Windows time is the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the system was booted.
Handle to the string. Because string handles are local to the process, this member is a global atom.
Handle to the task (application instance) performing the action on the string handle.
Pointer to the string identified by the hsz member.


  Windows NT: Requires version 3.1 or later.
  Windows: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in ddeml.h.
  Unicode: Defined as Unicode and ANSI structures.

See Also

Dynamic Data Exchange Management Library Overview, Dynamic Data Exchange Management Structures, MONCBSTRUCT, MONCONVSTRUCT, MONERRSTRUCT, MONLINKSTRUCT, MONMSGSTRUCT