After you have added a source name to the registry, use the RegisterEventSource function to get a handle to the Application event log. The following example obtains the handle and then adds an event to the log using the ReportEvent function.
void MyReportEvent(LPSTR szMsg)
h = RegisterEventSource(NULL, // uses local computer
"SamplApp"); // source name
if (h == NULL)
ErrorExit("Could not register the event source.");
if (!ReportEvent(h, // event log handle
EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, // event type
0, // category zero
MSG_ERR_EXIST, // event identifier
NULL, // no user security identifier
1, // one substitution string
0, // no data
(LPTSTR *) szMsg, // pointer to string array
NULL)) // pointer to data
ErrorExit("Could not report the event.");
Recall that your header file contains the event identifiers. For this example, the following event identifier was used:
// MessageId: MSG_ERR_EXIST
// MessageText:
// File %1 does not exist.
#define MSG_ERR_EXIST ((DWORD)0xC0000004L)