
The WOWGetVDMPointer function converts a 16:16 address to the equivalent linear address.

  DWORD vp,            // 16:16 address
  DWORD dwBytes,       // size of vp block
  BOOL fProtectedMode  // protected mode flag


Valid 16:16 address.
Size of the block pointed to by vp.
One of the following flags:
1 The upper 16 bits are treated as a selector in the local descriptor table (16-bit protected mode pointer).
0 The upper 16 bits are treated as a real-mode segment value (real-mode 16:16 pointer).

Return Values

Returns a 32-bit address if successful. If the function is invalid, the return value is NULL.


Windows NT: Limit checking is performed only in the checked (debugging) build of WOW32.DLL, which will cause NULL to be returned when the limit is exceeded by the supplied offset.

Windows 95 and Windows 98: This function should never be used on a 16-bit global memory handle selector that has not been previously fixed in memory by using the GlobalFix or GlobalWire function. You should assume that global compaction can occur at any time the Win16Mutex is not owned by the current thread.