The CANDIDATELIST structure contains information about a candidate list.

typedef struct _tagCANDIDATELIST {
    DWORD  dwSize;       
    DWORD  dwStyle;      
    DWORD  dwCount;      
    DWORD  dwSelection;  
    DWORD  dwPageStart;  
    DWORD  dwPageSize;   
    DWORD  dwOffset[];   


Size, in bytes, of the structure, the offset array, and all candidate strings.
Candidate style values. This member can be one or more of the following values:
Value Meaning
IME_CAND_UNKNOWN Candidates are in a style other than listed here.
IME_CAND_READ Candidates are in same reading.
IME_CAND_CODE Candidates are in a code range.
IME_CAND_MEANING Candidates are in same meaning.
IME_CAND_RADICAL Candidates use same radical character.
IME_CAND_STROKES Candidates are in same number of strokes.

For the IME_CAND_CODE style, the candidate list has a special structure depending on the value of the dwCount member. If dwCount is 1, the dwOffset member contains a single DBCS character rather than an offset, and no candidate string is provided. If the dwCount member is greater than 1, the dwOffset member contains valid offsets, and the candidate strings are text representations of individual DBCS character values in hexadecimal notation.

Number of candidate strings.
Index of the selected candidate string.
Index of the first candidate string in the candidate window. This varies as the user presses the PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys.
Number of candidate strings to be shown in one page in the candidate window. The user can move to the next page by pressing IME-defined keys, such as the page up or page down key. If this number is zero, an application can define a proper value by itself.
Offset to the start of the first candidate string, relative to the start of this structure. The offsets for subsequent strings immediately follow this member, forming an array of 32-bit offsets.


The candidate strings immediately follow the last offset in the dwOffset array.


  Windows NT: Requires version 4.0 or later.
  Windows: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in imm.h.

See Also

Input Method Editor Overview, Input Method Editor Structures