[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The JOBOBJECT_BASIC_UI_RESTRICTIONS structure contains basic user-interface restrictions for a job object.

    DWORD UIRestrictionsClass;


Specifies the restriction class for the user interface. This member can be one or more of the following values.
Value Meaning
JOB_OBJECT_UILIMIT_EXITWINDOWS Prevents processes associated with the job object from calling the ExitWindows or ExitWindowsEx function.
JOB_OBJECT_UILIMIT_HANDLES Prevents processes associated with the job object from using USER handles owned by processes not associated with the same job.
JOB_OBJECT_UILIMIT_READCLIPBOARD Prevents processes associated with the job object from reading data from the clipboard.
JOB_OBJECT_UILIMIT_SYSTEMPARAMETERS Prevents processes associated with the job object from changing system parameters by using the SystemParametersInfo function.
JOB_OBJECT_UILIMIT_WRITECLIPBOARD Prevents processes associated with the job object from writing data to the clipboard.


If you specify the JOB_OBJECT_UILIMIT_HANDLES flag, when a process associated with the job object broadcasts messages, they are only sent to top-level windows owned by processes associated with the same job. In addition, hooks can be installed only on threads belonging to processes associated with the job object.

To grant access to a USER handle to a job that has a user-interface restriction, use the UserHandleGrantAccess function.


  Windows NT: Requires version 5.0 or later.
  Windows: Unsupported.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in winnt.h.

See Also

Processes and Threads Overview, Process and Thread Structures, ExitWindows, ExitWindowsEx QueryInformationJobObject, SetInformationJobObject, SystemParametersInfo, UserHandleGrantAccess