The TAPE_GET_DRIVE_PARAMETERS structure describes the tape drive.
typedef struct _TAPE_GET_DRIVE_PARAMETERS { // tgdp
BOOLEAN Compression;
BOOLEAN DataPadding;
BOOLEAN ReportSetmarks;
ULONG DefaultBlockSize;
ULONG MaximumBlockSize;
ULONG MinimumBlockSize;
ULONG MaximumPartitionCount;
ULONG FeaturesLow;
ULONG FeaturesHigh;
ULONG EOTWarningZoneSize;
Value | Meaning |
TAPE_DRIVE_COMPRESSION | The device supports hardware data compression. |
TAPE_DRIVE_ECC | The device supports hardware error correction. |
TAPE_DRIVE_EJECT_MEDIA | The device physically ejects the tape on a software eject. |
TAPE_DRIVE_ERASE_BOP_ONLY | The device performs the erase operation from the beginning-of-partition marker only. |
TAPE_DRIVE_ERASE_LONG | The device performs a long erase operation. |
TAPE_DRIVE_ERASE_IMMEDIATE | The device performs an immediate erase operation — that is, it returns when the erase operation begins. |
TAPE_DRIVE_ERASE_SHORT | The device performs a short erase operation. |
TAPE_DRIVE_FIXED | The device creates fixed data partitions. |
TAPE_DRIVE_FIXED_BLOCK | The device supports fixed-length block mode. |
TAPE_DRIVE_INITIATOR | The device creates initiator-defined partitions. |
TAPE_DRIVE_PADDING | The device supports data padding. |
TAPE_DRIVE_GET_ABSOLUTE_BLK | The device provides the current device-specific block address. |
TAPE_DRIVE_GET_LOGICAL_BLK | The device provides the current logical block address (and logical tape partition). |
TAPE_DRIVE_REPORT_SMKS | The device supports setmark reporting. |
TAPE_DRIVE_SELECT | The device creates select data partitions. |
TAPE_DRIVE_SET_EOT_WZ_SIZE | The device supports setting the end-of-medium warning size. |
TAPE_DRIVE_TAPE_CAPACITY | The device returns the maximum capacity of the tape. |
TAPE_DRIVE_TAPE_REMAINING | The device returns the remaining capacity of the tape. |
TAPE_DRIVE_VARIABLE_BLOCK | The device supports variable-length block mode. |
TAPE_DRIVE_WRITE_PROTECT | The device returns an error if the tape is write-enabled or write-protected. |
Value | Meaning |
TAPE_DRIVE_ABS_BLK_IMMED | The device moves the tape to a device-specific block address and returns as soon as the move begins. |
TAPE_DRIVE_ABSOLUTE_BLK | The device moves the tape to a device specific block address. |
TAPE_DRIVE_END_OF_DATA | The device moves the tape to the end-of-data marker in a partition. |
TAPE_DRIVE_FILEMARKS | The device moves the tape forward (or backward) a specified number of filemarks. |
TAPE_DRIVE_LOAD_UNLOAD | The device enables and disables the device for further operations. |
TAPE_DRIVE_LOAD_UNLD_IMMED | The device supports immediate load and unload operations. |
TAPE_DRIVE_LOCK_UNLOCK | The device enables and disables the tape ejection mechanism. |
TAPE_DRIVE_LOCK_UNLK_IMMED | The device supports immediate lock and unlock operations. |
TAPE_DRIVE_LOG_BLK_IMMED | The device moves the tape to a logical block address in a partition and returns as soon as the move begins. |
TAPE_DRIVE_LOGICAL_BLK | The device moves the tape to a logical block address in a partition. |
TAPE_DRIVE_RELATIVE_BLKS | The device moves the tape forward (or backward) a specified number of blocks. |
TAPE_DRIVE_REVERSE_POSITION | The device moves the tape backward over blocks, filemarks, or setmarks. |
TAPE_DRIVE_REWIND_IMMEDIATE | The device supports immediate rewind operation. |
TAPE_DRIVE_SEQUENTIAL_FMKS | The device moves the tape forward (or backward) to the first occurrence of a specified number of consecutive filemarks. |
TAPE_DRIVE_SEQUENTIAL_SMKS | The device moves the tape forward (or backward) to the first occurrence of a specified number of consecutive setmarks. |
TAPE_DRIVE_SET_BLOCK_SIZE | The device supports setting the size of a fixed-length logical block or setting the variable-length block mode. |
TAPE_DRIVE_SET_COMPRESSION | The device enables and disables hardware data compression. |
TAPE_DRIVE_SET_ECC | The device enables and disables hardware error correction. |
TAPE_DRIVE_SET_PADDING | The device enables and disables data padding. |
TAPE_DRIVE_SET_REPORT_SMKS | The device enables and disables the reporting of setmarks. |
TAPE_DRIVE_SETMARKS | The device moves the tape forward (or reverse) a specified number of setmarks. |
TAPE_DRIVE_SPACE_IMMEDIATE | The device supports immediate spacing. |
TAPE_DRIVE_TENSION | The device supports tape tensioning. |
TAPE_DRIVE_TENSION_IMMED | The device supports immediate tape tensioning. |
TAPE_DRIVE_WRITE_FILEMARKS | The device writes filemarks. |
TAPE_DRIVE_WRITE_LONG_FMKS | The device writes long filemarks. |
TAPE_DRIVE_WRITE_MARK_IMMED | The device supports immediate writing of short and long filemarks. |
TAPE_DRIVE_WRITE_SETMARKS | The device writes setmarks. |
TAPE_DRIVE_WRITE_SHORT_FMKS | The device writes short filemarks. |
Windows NT: Requires version 3.1 or later.
Windows: Unsupported.
Windows CE: Unsupported.
Header: Declared in winnt.h.
Tape Backup Overview, Tape Backup Structures