Flushes file system buffers and caches and optionally remounts the drivespace volume. Any write operations that the system has buffered are performed, and all waiting data is written to the appropriate drive.
mov ax, 710Dh ; Reset Drive
mov cx, Flag ; see below
mov dx, DriveNum ; see below
int 21h
jc error
0000h | Resets the drive and flushes the file system buffers for the given drive. |
0001h | Resets the drive, flushes the file system buffers, and flushes and invalidates the cache for the specified drive. |
0002h | Remounts the drivespace volume. |
The Flag value of 0002h is only supported on drivespace volumes. You should specify this value when the on-media format of the drivespace volume has changed and you want the file system to reinitialize and read the new format.
This function has no return value.