Deletes the given file or files. If the specified filename contains a wildcard character, this function can delete multiple files that match the wildcard.
mov ax, 7141h ; Delete File
mov ch, MustMatchAttrs ; see below
mov cl, SearchAttrs ; see below
mov dx, seg Filename ; see below
mov ds, dx
mov dx, offset Filename
mov si, WildcardAndAttrs ; see below
int 21h
jc error
_A_NORMAL (0000h) | |
The file can be read from or written to. This value is valid only if used alone. | |
_A_RDONLY (0001h) | |
The file can be read from, but not written to. | |
_A_HIDDEN (0002h) | |
The file is hidden and does not appear in an ordinary directory listing. | |
_A_SYSTEM (0004h) | |
The file is part of the operating system or is used exclusively by it. | |
_A_VOLID (0008h) | |
The name specified by Filename is used as the volume label for the current medium. | |
_A_SUBDIR (0010h) | |
The name specified by Filename is used as a directory, not a file. | |
_A_ARCH (0020h) | |
The file is an archive file. Applications use this value to mark files for backup or removal. |
_A_NORMAL (0000h) |
_A_RDONLY (0001h) |
_A_HIDDEN (0002h) |
_A_SYSTEM (0004h) |
_A_VOLID (0008h) |
_A_SUBDIR (0010h) |
_A_ARCH (0020h) |
0 | Wildcard characters are not allowed in Filename. Any specified attributes are ignored. |
1 | Wildcard characters are allowed in Filename. Files with specified attributes are matched. |
Clears the carry flag if successful. Otherwise, the function sets the carry flag and sets the AX register to an error value.
Wildcard searches are more flexible in Windows 95 than in MS-DOS. Both long filenames and aliases are considered in searches. For example, *1 finds Windows 95 filenames (both long filenames and aliases) that end in a 1 and *mid* finds filenames that contain the characters mid. In MS-DOS and in Windows 95 searching on real-mode FAT directories, all characters after the first * are ignored.
For more information about how MustMatchAttrs and SearchAttrs are used, see the comments for Find First File (Interrupt 21h Function 714Eh).