Get Application Title

Copies the application title to the specified buffer.

mov  ah, 16h           ; Windows multiplex function
mov  al, 8Eh           ; VM Title
mov  di, seg AppTitle  ; see below
mov  es, di
mov  di, offset AppTitle
mov  cx, Size          ; see below
mov  dx, 2             ; Get Application Title
int  2Fh
cmp  ax, 1
je   success


Address of a buffer that receives the application title. This parameter must not be zero.
Size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by AppTitle.

Return Value

Returns 1 in the AX register if successful or zero otherwise.


Get Application Title copies as much of the title as possible, but never more than the specified number of bytes. The function always appends a terminating null character to the title in the buffer.