Contains information that uniquely identifies a disk or other storage medium.

MID struc
    midInfoLevel   dw 0 
    midSerialNum   dd ? 
    midVolLabel    db 11 dup (?) 
    midFileSysType db 8 dup (?) 
MID ends


Information level. This member must be zero.
Serial number for the medium.
Volume label for the medium. If the label has fewer than 11 characters, space characters (ASCII 20h) fill the remaining bytes in this member.
Type of file system as an 8-byte ASCII string. This member can be one of these values:
FAT12 12-bit file allocation table (FAT)
FAT16 16-bit FAT
CDROM High Sierra file system
CD001 ISO9660 file system
CDAUDIO Audio disk

If the name has fewer than eight characters, space characters (ASCII 20h) fill the remaining bytes in this member.