Contains information about the drive specified in the call to Get Drive Map Info (Interrupt 2lh Function 440Dh Minor Code 6Fh).

DRIVE_MAP_INFO    struc 
    dmiAllocationLength   db ?
    dmiInfoLength         db ?
    dmiFlags              db ?
    dmiInt13Unit          db ?
    dmiAssociatedDriveMap dd ?
    dmiPartitionStartRBA  dq ?


Length of the buffer provided by the application calling Get Drive Map Info. This value should be the size of the DRIVE_MAP_INFO structure.
Number of bytes that Get Drive Map Info used in the buffer provided by the calling application. Typically, this value is the size of the DRIVE_MAP_INFO structure.
Flags describing the given drive. This member, which is filled by Get Drive Map Info, can be a combination of these values:
PROT_MODE_LOGICAL_DRIVE (01h) A protected-mode driver is in use for this logical drive.
PROT_MODE_PHYSICAL_DRIVE (02h) A protected-mode driver is in use for the physical drive corresponding to this logical drive.
PROT_MODE_ONLY_DRIVE    (04h) The drive is not available when running with MS-DOS.
PROT_MODE_EJECT (08h) A protected-mode drive supports an electronic eject operation.
PROT_MODE_ASYNC_NOTIFY (10h) The drive issues media arrival and removal notifications. This value is currently used for CD-ROM drives that are controlled by the protected-mode driver and that cause a broadcast message when media is removed or inserted without the application having to make a request to the drive. It can also be used by disk drivers.

Physical drive number of the given drive. This member, which is filled by Get Drive Map Info, can be one of these values:
00 - 7Fh Floppy disk drive (00 for the first floppy drive, 01 for the second, and so on).
80 - FEh Hard disk drive (80 for the first hard disk drive, 81 for the second, and so on).
FFh The given drive does not map to a physical drive.

Logical drive numbers that are associated with the given physical drive. For example, a host drive C with child drive letters A and B would return with bits 0 and 1 set.
Relative block address offset from the start of the physical volume to the start of the given partition.


Before an application makes a call to Get Drive Map Info, the dmiAllocationLength member must be set to the size of the DRIVE_MAP_INFO structure. All other members of the structure are filled in by Get Drive Map Info.