Partition Types

The following are all the valid partition types and their corresponding values for use in the Part_FileSystem member of the s_partition (FAT32) structure.

Partition Types

Value Description
PART_UNKNOWN(00h) Unknown
PART_DOS2_FAT(01h) 12-bit FAT
PART_DOS3_FAT(04h) 16-bit FAT. Partitions smaller than 32MB.
PART_EXTENDED(05h) Extended MS-DOS Partition
PART_DOS4_FAT(06h) 16-bit FAT. Partitions larger than or equal to 32MB.
PART_DOS32(0Bh) 32-bit FAT. Partitions up to 2047GB.
PART_DOS32X(0Ch) Same as PART_DOS32(0Bh), but uses Logical Block Address Int 13h extensions.
PART_DOSX13(0Eh) Same as PART_DOS4_FAT(06h), but uses Logical Block Address Int 13h extensions.
PART_DOSX13X(0Fh) Same as PART_EXTENDED(05h), but uses Logical Block Address Int 13h extensions.