Object type names, counter names, object explanations, and counter explanations are not made directly available in the performance data structures. Instead, the performance data structures contain indices you can use to locate where the names and explanations for each object and counter can be found. The ObjectNameTitleIndex and ObjectHelpTitleIndex members of the PERF_OBJECT_TYPE structure contain the indices to the object name and explanation, respectively. The CounterNameTitleIndex and CounterHelpTitleIndex members of the PERF_COUNTER_DEFINITION structure contain the indices to the counter name and explanation, respectively.
To access the names and explanations, read the Counter and Help values in the following registry key.
The langid is the ASCII representation of the 3-digit hexadecimal language identifier. For example, the U.S. English langid is 009. In a non-English version of Windows NT, counters are stored in both the native language of the system and in English.
The data is stored as MULTI_SZ strings. This data type consists of a list of Unicode strings, each terminated with UNICODE_NULL. The last string is followed by an additional UNICODE_NULL. The strings are listed in pairs. The first string of each pair is the Unicode string of the index, and the second string is the actual name of the index. The Counter data uses only even-numbered indexes, while the Help data has odd-numbered indexes. For example, the Counter data contains the following object and counter name strings.
2 System
4 Memory
6 % Processor Time
The Help data contains the following counter explanations.
3 The System object type includes those counters that...
5 The Memory object type includes those counters that...
7 Processor Time is expressed as a percentage of the...
To retrieve a name or explanation for an object type or counter, given its index, an application should perform the following steps.
If you are going to be looking up a number of counters, you should build a table for faster and easier lookup. For an example, see Displaying Object, Instance, and Counter Names.