Provide a Migration DLL Where Necessary

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Requirement   (Designed for Microsoft® Windows® Logo)

Your application must migrate seamlessly from Windows 95 to Windows NT 5.0. So if an application is installed on Windows 95 and the operating system is upgraded to Windows NT 5.0, the application must remain fully functional after the operating system upgrade.

If this is not the case automatically, the application vendor must develop and make available to users a Migration DLL as described in the Windows 95 to Windows NT 5.0 Migration Kit and the Migration Extension Interface Reference.

The Migration DLL should perform all tasks necessary to make the Windows 95 version of the application functional on Windows NT 5.0 after an operating system upgrade. This includes modifying or adding new registry entries and copying new files to their proper locations on Windows NT 5.0.

See Also

This upgrade DLL should be tested by installing the application on Windows 95 and then upgrading it to Windows NT version 5.0 or later using the rules described in the Windows 95 to Windows NT Migration Kit (to be available with Windows NT 5.0 Beta 1) and the Migration Extension Interface Reference. Watch for more information on Windows 95 to Windows NT 5.0 migration at