Windows Sockets 2 Features

The new Windows Sockets 2 extends functionality in a number of areas.

Windows Sockets 2 Features

Access to protocols other than TCP/IP Windows Sockets 2 allows an application to use the familiar socket interface to achieve simultaneous access to a number of installed transport protocols.
Overlapped I/O with scatter/gather Windows Sockets 2 incorporates the overlapped paradigm for socket I/O and incorporates scatter/gather capabilities as well, following the model established in Win32 environments.
Protocol-independent name resolution facilities: Windows Sockets 2 includes a standardized set of functions for querying and working with the myriad of name resolution domains that exist today (for example DNS, SAP, and X.500).
Protocol-independent multicast and multipoint: Windows Sockets 2 applications discover what type of multipoint or multicast capabilities a transport provides and use these facilities in a generic manner.
Quality of service Window Sockets 2 establishes conventions applications use to negotiate required service levels for parameters such as bandwidth and latency. Other QOS-related enhancements include mechanisms for network-specific QOS extensions.
Other frequently requested extensions Windows Sockets 2 incorporates shared sockets and conditional acceptance; exchange of user data at connection setup/teardown time; and protocol-specific extension mechanisms.