Summary of New Functions

The new API functions for Windows Sockets 2 are summarized in the following table.

Data Transport Functions

Function Description
WSAAccept1 An extended version of accept which allows for conditional acceptance and socket grouping.
WSACloseEvent Destroys an event object.
WSAConnect1 An extended version of connect which allows for exchange of connect data and QOS specification.
WSACreateEvent Creates an event object.
WSADuplicateSocket Creates a new socket descriptor for a shared socket.
WSAEnumNetworkEvents Discovers occurrences of network events.
WSAEnumProtocols Retrieves information about each available protocol.
WSAEventSelect Associates network events with an event object.
WSAGetOverlappedResult Gets completion status of overlapped operation.
WSAGetQOSByName Supplies QOS parameters based on a well-known service name.
WSAHtonl Extended version of htonl.
WSAHtons Extended version of htons.
WSAIoctl1 Overlapped-capable version of ioctlsocket.
WSAJoinLeaf1 Joins a leaf node into a multipoint session.
WSANtohl Extended version of ntohl.
WSANtohs Extended version of ntohs.
WSAProviderConfigChange Receive notifications of service providers being installed/removed.
WSARecv1 An extended version of recv which accommodates scatter/gather I/O, overlapped sockets, and provides the flags parameter as IN OUT.
WSARecvDisconnect Terminates reception on a socket and retrieves the disconnect data, if the socket is connection-oriented.
WSARecvFrom1 An extended version of recvfrom which accommodates scatter/gather I/O, overlapped sockets, and provides the flags parameter as IN OUT.
WSAResetEvent Resets an event object.
WSASend1 An extended version of send which accommodates scatter/gather I/O and overlapped sockets.
WSASendDisconnect Initiates termination of a socket connection and optionally sends disconnect data.
WSASendTo1 An extended version of sendto which accommodates scatter/gather I/O and overlapped sockets.
WSASetEvent Sets an event object.
WSASocket An extended version of socket which takes a WSAPROTOCOL_INFO structure as input and allows overlapped sockets to be created. Also allows socket groups to be formed.
WSAWaitForMultipleEvents1 Blocks on multiple event objects.
1    The routine can block if acting on a blocking socket.

Name Registration and Resolution Functions

Function Description
WSAAddressToString Convert an address structure into a human-readable numeric string
WSAEnumNameSpaceProviders Retrieve the list of available Name Registration and Resolution service providers
WSAGetServiceClassInfo Retrieves all of the class-specific information pertaining to a service class
WSAGetServiceClassNameByClassId Returns the name of the service associated with the given type
WSAInstallServiceClass Create a new new service class type and store its class-specific information
WSALookupServiceBegin Initiate a client query to retrieve name information as constrained by a WSAQUERYSET data structure
WSALookupServiceEnd Finish a client query started by WSALookupServiceBegin and free resources associated with the query
WSALookupServiceNext Retrieve the next unit of name information from a client query initiated by WSALookupServiceBegin
WSARemoveServiceClass Permanently removes a service class type
WSASetService Register or deregister a service instance within one or more name spaces
WSAStringToAddress Convert a human-readable numeric string to a socket address structure suitable for passing to Windows Sockets routines.