The SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_ABS structure contains information about a network-service type value. This information may be specific to a name space.

typedef struct _SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_ABS { 
    DWORD   dwNameSpace; 
    DWORD   dwValueType; 
    DWORD   dwValueSize; 
    LPTSTR  lpValueName; 
    PVOID   lpValue; 


Specifies the name space, or a set of default name spaces, for which the network service type value is intended. Name-space providers will look only at values intended for their name space.

Use one of the following constants to specify a name space:
Value Name Space
NS_DEFAULT A set of default name spaces. The function queries each name space within this set. The set of default name spaces typically includes all the name spaces installed on the system. System administrators, however, can exclude particular name spaces from the set. NS_DEFAULT is the value that most applications should use for dwNameSpace.
NS_DNS The Domain Name System used in the Internet for host name resolution.
NS_NETBT The NetBIOS over TCP/IP layer. All Windows NT systems register their computer names with NetBIOS. This name space is used to convert a computer name to an IP address that uses this registration. Note that NS_NETBT may access a WINS server to perform the resolution.
NS_SAP The Netware Service Advertising Protocol. This may access the Netware bindery if appropriate. NS_SAP is a dynamic name space that allows registration of services.
NS_TCPIP_HOSTS Lookup value in the <systemroot>\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file.
NS_TCPIP_LOCAL Local TCP/IP name resolution mechanisms, including comparisons against the local host name and looks up host names and IP addresses in cache of host to IP address mappings.

Specifies the type of the value data. You can specify one of the following types:
Value Meaning
REG_BINARY Binary data in any form.
REG_DWORD A 32-bit number.
REG_MULTI_SZ An array of null-terminated strings, terminated by two null characters.
REG_SZ A null-terminated string.

Specifies the size, in bytes, of the value data. In the case of REG_SZ and REG_MULTI_SZ string data, the terminating characters are counted as part of the size.
Points to a zero-terminated string that is the name of the value. This name is specific to a name space.

Several commonly used value name strings are associated with defined constants. These name strings include the following:
Constant Name String
SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_CONN "ConnectionOriented"

Points to the value data.


When you use the SetService function to add a network service type to a name space, a SERVICE_TYPE_INFO_ABS structure is passed as the ServiceSpecificInfo BLOB member of a SERVICE_INFO structure. Although the ServiceSpecificInfo member generally should not contain pointers, an exception is made in the case of the SERVICE_TYPE_INFO_ABS and SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_ABS structures.


  Windows NT: Yes
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in nspapi.h.

See Also