SPI: QOS Templates

Applications that don't want to deal with detailed QualityOfService structures directly and that utilize media types corresponding to well-known QOS template names can use WSPGetQOSByName to retrieve the detailed QualityOfService structure. For example, a video conferencing application which uses Indeo as its video codec and GSM as it audio codec may open two sockets, one for each media type, and get the detailed QualityOfService structure by calling WSPGetQOSByname with QOS_TEMPLATE_INDEO and QOS_TEMPLATE_GSM, respectively. Note that this function is implemented by the service provider associated with the specified socket descriptor, thus the QualityOfService structures returned is provider dependent, and may include a provider-specific part.

As new QOS template names become available, they need to be registered with the Windows Sockets 2 Clearing House. The documentation for WSPGetQOSByName will be periodically updated with a list of flow specifications and general descriptions as they become well-known. WSPGetQOSByName can also be used to enumerate the set of known QOS template names.