Generic Data Transport Functions

This section lists the Data Transport functions exposed by WS2SPI.H.

WSPAccept An incoming connection is acknowledged and associated with an immediately created socket. The original socket is returned to the listening state. This function also allows for conditional acceptance and socket grouping.
WSPAsyncSelect Perform asynchronous version of WSPSelect.
WSPBind Assign a local name to an unnamed socket.
WSPCancelBlockingCall Cancel an outstanding "blocking" Windows Sockets call.
WSPCleanup Sign off from the underlying Windows Sockets service provider.
WSPCloseSocket Remove a socket from the per-process object reference table. Only blocks if SO_LINGER is set with a non-zero timeout on a blocking socket.
WSPConnect Initiate a connection on the specified socket. This function also allows for exchange of connect data and QOS specification.
WSPDuplicateSocket Return a WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW structure that can be used to create a new socket descriptor for a shared socket.
WSPEnumNetworkEvents Discover occurrences of network events.
WSPEventSelect Associate network events with an event object.
WSPGetOverlappedResult Get completion status of overlapped operation.
WSPGetPeerName Retrieve the name of the peer connected to the specified socket.
WSPGetSockName Retrieve the local address to which the specified socket is bound.
WSPGetSockOpt Retrieve options associated with the specified socket.
WSPGetQOSByName Supply QOS parameters based on a well-known service name.
WSPIoctl Provide control for sockets.
WSPJoinLeaf Join a leaf node into a multipoint session.
WSPListen Listen for incoming connections on a specified socket.
WSPRecv Receive data from a connected or unconnected socket. This function accommodates scatter/gather I/O, overlapped sockets and provides the flags parameter as IN OUT.
WSPRecvDisconnect Terminate reception on a socket, and retrieve the disconnect data if the socket is connection-oriented.
WSPRecvFrom Receive data from either a connected or unconnected socket. This function accommodates scatter/gather I/O, overlapped sockets and provides the flags parameter as IN OUT.
WSPSelect Perform synchronous I/O multiplexing.
WSPSend Send data to a connected socket. This function also accommodates scatter/gather I/O and overlapped sockets.
WSPSendDisconnect Initiate termination of a socket connection and optionally send disconnect data.
WSPSendTo Send data to either a connected or unconnected socket. This function also accommodates scatter/gather I/O and overlapped sockets.
WSPSetSockOpt Store options associated with the specified socket.
WSPShutdown Shut down part of a full-duplex connection.
WSPSocket A socket creation function which takes a WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW struct as input and allows overlapped sockets to be created. Also allows socket groups to be formed.
WSPStartup Initialize the underlying Windows Sockets service provider.