
The following commands are available:

Command Semantics
SIO_OSI_X25_GET_RESET_DATA This command will wait for an ISO 8208/X.25 reset to occur, and will return the reset data associated with the reset. No input buffer is required. The two bytes of reset data will be copied to the output buffer. The WSAENOPROTOOPT error code is indicated for service providers that do not support X.25 resets.
SIO_OSI_X25_GENERATE_RESET Generate an ISO 8208/X.25 reset. No output buffer is required, the two byes of reset data will be obtained from the input buffer. The WSAENOPROTOOPT error code is indicated for service providers that do not support X.25 resets.
SIO_OSI_X25_SEND_QUALIFIED This command is used to indicate that the next message sent using one of the send functions, or WSASend, will be sent as Qualified data. No buffers are required. It is not necessary to call this function for subsequent sends of the same message where the MSG_PARTIAL flag has been used. The WSAENOPROTOOPT error code is indicated for service providers that do not support X.25 Qualified data.
SIO_OSI_X25_GET_QUALIFIED This command will wait until the next message that will be received by the recv or WSARecv functions will be ISO 8208/X.25 Qualified data. This command will only complete once for each message received, even if the MSG_PARTIAL flag is returned. The WSAENOPROTOOPT error code is indicated for service providers that do not support X.25 Qualified data.