Creating a Resource List

The following example creates a list of every resource in the HAND.EXE file. The list is written to the RESINFO.TXT file.

The code demonstrates how to load the executable file, create a file in which to write resource information, and call the EnumResourceTypes function to send each resource type found in the module to the application-defined callback function EnumTypesFunc. See EnumResTypeProc for information on callback functions of this type. This callback function uses the EnumResourceNames function to pass the name of every resource within the specified type to another application-defined callback function, EnumNamesFunc. See EnumResNameProc for information on callback functions of this type. EnumNamesFunc uses the EnumResourceLanguages function to pass the language of every resource of the specified type and name to a third callback function, EnumLangsFunc. See EnumResLangProc for information on callback functions of this type. EnumLangsFunc writes information about the resource of the specified type, name, and language to the RESINFO.TXT file.

char szBuffer[80]; // print buffer for EnumResourceTypes 
DWORD cbWritten;   // number of bytes written to res. info. file 
int cbString;      // length of string in sprintf 
// Declare callback functions. 
BOOL EnumTypesFunc( 
    HANDLE hModule, 
    LPTSTR lpType, 
    LONG lParam); 
BOOL EnumNamesFunc( 
    HANDLE hModule, 
    LPCTSTR lpType, 
    LPTSTR lpName, 
    LONG lParam); 
BOOL EnumLangsFunc( 
    HANDLE hModule, 
    LPCTSTR lpType, 
    LPCTSTR lpName, 
    WORD wLang, 
    LONG lParam); 
// Load the .EXE whose resources you want to list. 
hExe = LoadLibrary("hand.exe"); 
if (hExe == NULL) 
    ErrorHandler("Could not load .EXE."); 
// Create a file to contain the resource info. 
hFile = CreateFile("resinfo.txt",      // name of file 
    GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,      // access mode 
    0,                                 // share mode 
    (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) NULL,      // no security 
    CREATE_ALWAYS,                     // create flags 
    FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,             // file attributes 
    (HANDLE) NULL);                    // no template 
    ErrorHandler("Could not open file."); 
// Find all of the loaded file's resources. 
cbString = sprintf(szBuffer, 
    "The file contains the following resources:\n\n"); 
WriteFile(hFile,           // file to hold resource info. 
    szBuffer,              // what to write to the file 
    (DWORD) cbString,      // number of bytes in szBuffer 
    &cbWritten,            // number of bytes written 
    NULL);                 // no overlapped I/O 
EnumResourceTypes(hExe,              // module handle 
    (ENUMRESTYPEPROC)EnumTypesFunc,  // callback function 
    0);                              // extra parameter 
// Unload the executable file whose resources were 
// enumerated and close the file created to contain 
// the resource information. 
//    PURPOSE:  Resource type callback 
BOOL EnumTypesFunc( 
    HANDLE hModule,   // module handle 
    LPTSTR lpType,    // address of resource type 
    LONG lParam)      // extra parameter, could be 
                      // used for error checking 
    int cbString; 
    // Write the resource type to a resource information file. 
    // The type may be a string or an unsigned decimal 
    // integer, so test before printing. 
    if ((ULONG)lpType & 0xFFFF0000) 
        cbString = sprintf(szBuffer, "Type: %s\n", lpType); 
        cbString = sprintf(szBuffer, "Type: %u\n", (USHORT)lpType); 
    WriteFile(hFile, szBuffer, (DWORD) cbString, 
        &cbWritten, NULL); 
    // Find the names of all resources of type lpType. 
    return TRUE; 
//    PURPOSE:  Resource name callback 
BOOL EnumNamesFunc( 
    HANDLE hModule,   // module handle 
    LPCTSTR lpType,   // address of resource type 
    LPTSTR lpName,    // address of resource name 
    LONG lParam)      // extra parameter, could be 
                      // used for error checking 
    int cbString; 
     // Write the resource name to a resource information file. 
     // The name may be a string or an unsigned decimal 
     // integer, so test before printing. 
    if ((ULONG)lpName & 0xFFFF0000) 
        cbString = sprintf(szBuffer, "\tName: %s\n", lpName); 
        cbString = sprintf(szBuffer, "\tName: %u\n", 
    WriteFile(hFile, szBuffer, (DWORD) cbString, 
        &cbWritten, NULL); 
     // Find the languages of all resources of type 
     // lpType and name lpName. 
    return TRUE; 
//    PURPOSE:  Resource language callback 
BOOL EnumLangsFunc( 
    HANDLE hModule,  // module handle 
    LPCTSTR lpType,  // address of resource type 
    LPCTSTR lpName,  // address of resource name 
    WORD wLang,      // resource language 
    LONG lParam)     // extra parameter, could be 
                        used for error checking 
    HANDLE hResInfo; 
    char szBuffer[80]; 
    int cbString = 0; 
    hResInfo = FindResourceEx(hModule, lpType, lpName, wLang); 
    // Write the resource language to the resource information file. 
    cbString = sprintf(szBuffer, "\t\tLanguage: %u\n", USHORT)wLang); 
    WriteFile(hFile, szBuffer, (DWORD) cbString, 
        &cbWritten, NULL); 
    // Write the resource handle and size to buffer. 
    cbString = sprintf(szBuffer, 
        "\t\thResInfo == %lx,  Size == %lu\n\n", 
        SizeofResource(hModule, hResInfo)); 
    WriteFile(hFile, szBuffer, (DWORD) cbString, 
        &cbWritten, NULL); 
    return TRUE; 