[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The PARAFORMAT2 structure contains information about paragraph formatting attributes in a rich edit control. PARAFORMAT2 is a rich edit 2.0 extension of the PARAFORMAT structure. Rich edit 2.0 allows you to use either structure with the EM_GETPARAFORMAT and EM_SETPARAFORMAT messages.

typedef struct _paraformat { 
    UINT cbSize; 
    _WPAD _wPad1; 
    DWORD dwMask; 
    WORD  wNumbering; 
    WORD  wReserved; // redefined as wEffects in PARAFORMAT2
    LONG  dxStartIndent; 
    LONG  dxRightIndent; 
    LONG  dxOffset; 
    WORD  wAlignment; 
    SHORT cTabCount; 
    LONG  rgxTabs[MAX_TAB_STOPS]; 
    LONG  dySpaceBefore;     // vertical spacing before para
    LONG  dySpaceAfter;      // vertical spacing after para
    LONG  dyLineSpacing;     // line spacing depending on Rule
    SHORT sStyle;            // style handle
    BYTE  bLineSpacingRule;  // rule for line spacing (see tom.doc)
    BYTE  bCRC;              // reserved for CRC for rapid searching
    WORD  wShadingWeight;    // shading in hundredths of a per cent
    WORD  wShadingStyle;     // nibble 0: style, 1: cfpat, 2: cbpat
    WORD  wNumberingStart;   // starting value for numbering
    WORD  wNumberingStyle;   // alignment, roman/arabic, (), ), ., etc.
    WORD  wNumberingTab;     // space bet 1st indent and 1st-line text
    WORD  wBorderSpace;      // space between border and text (twips)
    WORD  wBorderWidth;      // border pen width (twips)
    WORD  wBorders;          // byte 0: bits specify which borders
                             // nibble 2: border style, 3: color index
#define  wEffects  wReserved


Specifies the size, in bytes, of this structure. Before passing this structure to a rich edit control, set cbSize to the size of the PARAFORMAT or PARAFORMAT2 structure. If cbSize equals the size of a PARAFORMAT structure, the control uses only the PARAFORMAT members.
Specifies the parts of the PARAFORMAT2 structure that contain valid information. The dwMask member can be a combination of the values from two sets of bit flags. One set indicates the structure members that are valid. Another set indicates the valid attributes in the wEffects member.

Set the following values to indicate the valid structure members.
Value Meaning
PFM_ALIGNMENT The wAlignment member is valid.
PFM_BORDER The wBorderSpace, wBorderWidth, and wBorders members are valid.
PFM_LINESPACING The dyLineSpacing and bLineSpacingRule members are valid.
PFM_NUMBERING The wNumbering member is valid.
PFM_NUMBERINGSTART The wNumberingStart member is valid.
PFM_NUMBERINGSTYLE The wNumberingStyle member is valid.
PFM_NUMBERINGTAB The wNumberingTab member is valid.
PFM_OFFSET The dxOffset member is valid.
PFM_OFFSETINDENT The dxStartIndent member is valid. If you are setting the indentation, dxStartIndent specifies the amount to indent relative to the current indentation.
PFM_RIGHTINDENT The dxRightIndent member is valid.
PFM_SHADING The wShadingWeight and wShadingStyle members are valid.
PFM_SPACEAFTER The dySpaceAfter member is valid.
PFM_SPACEBEFORE The dySpaceBefore member is valid.
PFM_STARTINDENT The dxStartIndent member is valid and specifies the indentation from the left margin. If both PFM_STARTINDENT and PFM_OFFSETINDENT are specified, PFM_STARTINDENT takes precedence.
PFM_STYLE The sStyle member is valid.
PFM_TABSTOPS The cTabCount and rgxTabs members are valid.

Set the following values to indicate the valid attributes of the wEffects member.
Value Meaning
PFM_KEEP The PFE_KEEP value is valid.
PFM_RTLPARA The PFE_RTLPARA value is valid.

Specifies the options for bulleted or numbered paragraphs. To use this member, set the PFM_NUMBERING flag in the dwMask member. This member can be one of the following values.
Value Meaning
zero No paragraph numbering or bullets.
PFN_BULLET Insert a bullet at the beginning of each selected paragraph.

Rich edit controls do not display paragraph numbers. However, for compatibility with Microsoft Text Object Model (TOM) interfaces, wNumbering can specify one of the following values; the rich edit control stores the value but does not use it to display the text.
Value Meaning
2 Use Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3, ...).
3 Use lowercase letters (a, b, c, ...).
4 Use uppercase letters (A, B, C, ...).
5 Use lowercase Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, ...).
6 Use uppercase Roman numerals (I, II, III, ...).
7 Use a sequence of characters beginning with the Unicode character specified by the wNumberingStart member.

wReserved or wEffects
Rich Edit 2.0: A set of bit flags that specify paragraph effects. These flags are included only for compatibility with TOM interfaces; the rich edit control stores the value but does not use it to display the text.

This member can be a combination of the following values.
Value Meaning
PFE_DONOTHYPHEN Disable automatic hyphenation.
PFE_KEEP No page break within the paragraph.
PFE_KEEPNEXT No page break between this paragraph and the next.
PFE_NOLINENUMBER Disable line numbering.
PFE_NOWIDOWCONTROL Disable widow/orphan control for this paragraph.
PFE_PAGEBREAKBEFORE Insert a page break before this paragraph.
PFE_RTLPARA Display text using right-to-left reading order.
PFE_SIDEBYSIDE Display paragraphs side-by-side.
PFE_TABLECELL The paragraph is in a table cell, but is not the last paragraph in the cell.
PFE_TABLECELLEND The paragraph is last in a table cell.
PFE_TABLEROW The paragraph describes a row in a table.

Rich Edit 1.0: Reserved; must be zero.

Specifies the indentation, in twips, of the paragraph's first line. The indentation of subsequent lines depends on the dxOffset member. To use the dxStartIndent member, set the PFM_STARTINDENT or PFM_OFFSETINDENT flag in the dwMask member.

If you are setting the indentation, use the PFM_STARTINDENT flag to specify an absolute indentation from the left margin; or use the PFM_OFFSETINDENT flag to specify an indentation relative to the paragraph's current indentation. Use either flag to retrieve the current indentation.

Specifies the indentation, in twips, of the right side of the paragraph, relative to the right margin. To use this member, set the PFM_RIGHTINDENT flag in the dwMask member.
Specifies the indentation, in twips, of the second and subsequent lines, relative to the indentation of the first line. The first line is indented if this member is negative, or outdented is this member is positive. To use this member, set the PFM_OFFSET flag in the dwMask member.
Specifies the paragraph alignment. To use this member, set the PFM_ALIGNMENT flag in the dwMask member. This member can be one of the following values.
Value Meaning
PFA_LEFT Paragraphs are aligned with the left margin.
PFA_RIGHT Paragraphs are aligned with the right margin.
PFA_CENTER Paragraphs are centered.
PFA_JUSTIFY Rich Edit 2.0: Paragraphs are justified. This value is included for compatibility with TOM interfaces; rich edit controls display the text aligned with the left margin.

Specifies the number of tab stops defined in the rgxTabs array.
An array of absolute tab stop positions. Each element in the array specifies information about a tab stop. The 24 low-order bits specify the absolute offset in twips. To use this member, set the PFM_TABSTOPS flag in the dwMask member.

Rich Edit 2.0: For compatibility with TOM interfaces, you can use the 8 high-order bits to store additional information about each tab stop. These bits do not affect the rich edit control display.

Bits 24-27 can specify one of the following values to indicate the tab alignment.
Value Meaning
0 Ordinary tab
1 Center tab
2 Right-aligned tab
3 Decimal tab
4 Word bar tab (vertical bar)

Bits 28-31 can specify one of the following values to indicate the type of tab leader.
Value Meaning
0 No leader
1 Dotted leader
2 Dashed leader
3 Underlined leader
4 Thick line leader
5 Double line leader

Specifies the size, in twips, of the spacing above the paragraph. To use this member, set the PFM_SPACEBEFORE flag in the dwMask member.
Specifies the size, in twips, of the spacing below the paragraph. To use this member, set the PFM_SPACEAFTER flag in the dwMask member.
Specifies the spacing between lines. For a description of how this value is interpreted, see the bLineSpacingRule member. To use this member, set the PFM_LINESPACING flag in the dwMask member.
Specifies the text style. To use this member, set the PFM_STYLE flag in the dwMask member. This member is included only for compatibility with TOM interfaces and Microsoft Word; the rich edit control stores the value but does not use it to display the text.
Specifies the type of line spacing. To use this member, set the PFM_SPACEAFTER flag in the dwMask member. This member can be one of the following values.
Value Meaning
0 Single spacing. The dyLineSpacing member is ignored.
1 One and a half spacing. The dyLineSpacing member is ignored.
2 Double spacing. The dyLineSpacing member is ignored.
3 The dyLineSpacing member specifies the spacing, in twips, from one line to the next. However, if dyLineSpacing specifies a value that is less than single spacing, the control displays single-spaced text.
4 The dyLineSpacing member specifies the spacing, in twips, from one line to the next. The control uses the exact spacing specified, even if dyLineSpacing specifies a value that is less than single spacing.
5 The value of dyLineSpacing / 20 is the spacing, in lines, from one line to the next. Thus, setting dyLineSpacing to 20 produces single-spaced text, 40 is double-spaced, 60 is triple-spaced, and so on.

Specifies a value between zero and 100 to indicate the percent of foreground color to use in shading. The wShadingStyle member specifies the foreground and background shading colors. A value of 5 indicates a shading color consisting of 5 percent foreground color and 95 percent background color. To use these members, set the PFM_SHADING flag in the dwMask member. This member is included only for compatibility with Microsoft Word; the rich edit control stores the value but does not use it to display the text.
Specifies the style and colors used for background shading. Bits 0 to 3 contain the shading style, bits 4 to 7 contain the foreground color index, and bits 8 to 11 contain the background color index. To use this member, set the PFM_SHADING flag in the dwMask member. This member is included only for compatibility with Microsoft Word; the rich edit control stores the value but does not use it to display the text.

The shading style can be one of the following values.
Value Meaning Value Meaning
0 None
1 Dark horizontal 7 Light horizontal
2 Dark vertical 8 Light vertical
3 Dark down diagonal 9 Light down diagonal
4 Dark up diagonal 10 Light up diagonal
5 Dark grid 11 Light grid
6 Dark trellis 12 Light trellis

The foreground and background color indexes can be one of the following values.
Value Color Value Color
0 Black 8 Dark blue
1 Blue 9 Dark cyan
2 Cyan 10 Dark green
3 Green 11 Dark magenta
4 Magenta 12 Dark red
5 Red 13 Dark yellow
6 Yellow 14 Dark gray
7 White 15 Light gray

Specifies the starting number or Unicode value to use for numbered paragraphs. Use this member in conjunction with the wNumbering member. This member is included only for compatibility with TOM interfaces; the rich edit control stores the value but does not use it to display the text or bullets. To use this member, set the PFM_NUMBERINGSTART flag in the dwMask member.
Specifies the numbering style to use with numbered paragraphs. Use this member in conjunction with the wNumbering member. This member is included only for compatibility with TOM interfaces; the rich edit control stores the value but does not use it to display the text or bullets. To use this member, set the PFM_NUMBERINGSTYLE flag in the dwMask member. This member can be one of the following values.
Value Meaning
0 Follow number with a right parenthesis.
1 Follow number with period.
2 Enclose number in parentheses.
0x8000 Force Roman numerals.

Specifies the minimum space, in twips, between a paragraph number and the paragraph text. Use this member in conjunction with the wNumbering member. This member is included only for compatibility with TOM interfaces; the rich edit control stores the value but does not use it to display text. To use this member, set the PFM_NUMBERINGTAB flag in the dwMask member.
Specifies the space, in twips, between the border and the paragraph text. The wBorderSpace, wBorderWidth, and wBorders members are included for compatibility with Microsoft Word; the rich edit control stores the values but does not use them to display text. To use this member, set the PFM_BORDER flag in the dwMask member.
Specifies the width, in twips, of the border. To use this member, set the PFM_BORDER flag in the dwMask member.
Specifies the location, style, and color of the border. Bits 0 to 7 specify the border locations, bits 8 to 11 specify the border style, and bits 12 to 15 specify the border color index. To use this member, set the PFM_BORDER flag in the dwMask member.

Specify the border locations using a combination of the following values.
Value Meaning
1 Left border
2 Right border
4 Top border
8 Bottom border
16 Inside borders
32 Outside borders
64 Autocolor. If this bit is set, the color index in bits 12 to 15 is not used.

Specify the border style using one of the following values.
Value Style Value Style
0 None 6 6 point
1 ¾ point 7 ¾ point double
2 1½ point 8 1½ point double
3 2¼ point 9 2¼ point double
4 3 point 10 ¾ point gray
5 4½ point 11 ¾ point gray dashed

Specify the border color using one of the following values. This value is ignored if the autocolor bit (bit 6) is set.
Value Color Value Color
0 Black 8 Dark blue
1 Blue 9 Dark cyan
2 Cyan 10 Dark green
3 Green 11 Dark magenta
4 Magenta 12 Dark red
5 Red 13 Dark yellow
6 Yellow 14 Dark gray
7 White 15 Light gray


  Windows NT: Requires version 4.0 or later.
  Windows: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in richedit.h.

See Also

Rich Edit Controls Overview, Rich Edit Structures, EM_GETPARAFORMAT, EM_SETPARAFORMAT, PARAFORMAT