The REOBJECT structure contains information about an object.

typedef struct _reobject { 
    DWORD  cbStruct;           // size of structure in bytes 
    LONG   cp;                 // character position of object 
    CLSID  clsid;              // class identifier of object 
    LPOLEOBJECT      poleobj;  // OLE object interface 
    LPSTORAGE        pstg;     // associated storage interface 
    LPOLECLIENTSITE  polesite; // associated client site interface 
    SIZEL  sizel;              // size of object (may be 0,0) 
    DWORD  dvaspect;           // display aspect to use 
    DWORD  dwFlags;            // object status flags 
    DWORD  dwUser;             // user-defined value


Size, in bytes, of this structure.
Character position of the object.
Class identifier of the object.
Points to an instance of the IOleObject interface for the object.
Points to an instance of the IStorage interface. This is the storage object associated with the object.
Points to an instance of the IOleClientSite interface. This is the object's client site in the rich edit control. This address must have been obtained from the IRichEditOle::GetClientSite method.
SIZEL structure specifying the size of the object. A 0,0 on insert indicates that an object is free to determine its size until the modify flag is turned off.
Display aspect to use.
Object status flags. Can be a combination of the following values:
Value Meaning
REO_BELOWBASELINE Object sits below the baseline of the surrounding text; the default is to sit on the baseline.
REO_BLANK Object is brand new. This gives the object an opportunity to save nothing and be deleted from the control automatically.
REO_DONTUSEPALETTE Prevents creation and realization of a half-tone palette before rendering the object. Applies to 32-bit platforms only.
REO_DYNAMICSIZE Object always determines its extents and may change despite the modify flag being turned off.
REO_GETMETAFILE The rich edit control retrieved the metafile from the object to correctly determine the object's extents. This flag can be read but not set.
REO_HILITED Object is currently highlighted to indicate selection. Occurs when focus is in the control and REO_SELECTED is set. This flag can be read but not set.
REO_INPLACEACTIVE Object is currently in place active. This flag can be read but not set.
REO_INVERTEDSELECT Object is to be drawn entirely inverted when selected; the default is to be drawn with a border.
REO_LINK Object is a link. This flag can be read but not set.
REO_LINKAVAILABLE Object is a link and is believed to be available. This flag can be read but not set.
REO_OPEN Object is currently open in its server. This flag can be read but not set.
REO_RESIZABLE Object may be resized.
REO_SELECTED Object is currently selected in the rich edit control. This flag can be read but not set.
REO_STATIC Object is a static object. This flag can be read but not set.

Reserved for user-defined values.


  Windows NT: Requires version 3.51 or later.
  Windows: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in richole.h.

See Also

Rich Edit Controls Overview, Rich Edit Structures, IOleClientSite, IOleObject, IRichEditOle::GetClientSite, IStorage