
The EditStreamCallback function is an application-defined callback function used with the EM_STREAMIN and EM_STREAMOUT messages. It is used to transfer a stream of data into or out of a rich edit control. The EDITSTREAMCALLBACK type defines a pointer to this callback function. EditStreamCallback is a placeholder for the application-defined function name.

DWORD CALLBACK EditStreamCallback(
  DWORD dwCookie, // application-defined value
  LPBYTE pbBuff,  // pointer to a buffer
  LONG cb,        // number of bytes to read or write
  LONG *pcb       // pointer to number of bytes transferred


Specifies the value of the dwCookie member of the EDITSTREAM structure. The application specifies this value when it sends the EM_STREAMIN or EM_STREAMOUT message.
Pointer to a buffer to read from or write to. For a stream-in (read) operation, the callback function fills this buffer with data to transfer into the rich edit control. For a stream-out (write) operation, the buffer contains data from the control that the callback function writes to some storage.
Specifies the number of bytes to read or write.
Pointer to a variable that the callback function sets to the number of bytes actually read or written.

Return Values

The callback function returns zero to indicate success.

The callback function returns a nonzero value to indicate an error. If an error occurs, the read or write operation ends and the rich edit control discards any data in the pbBuff buffer. If the callback function returns a nonzero value, the rich edit control uses the dwError member of the EDITSTREAM structure to pass the value back to the application.


When you send the EM_STREAMIN or EM_STREAMOUT message to a rich edit control, the pfnCallback member of the EDITSTREAM structure specifies a pointer to an EditStreamCallback function. The rich edit control repeatedly calls the function to transfer a stream of data into or out of the control.

When you send the EM_STREAMIN or EM_STREAMOUT message, you specify a value for the dwCookie member of the EDITSTREAM structure. The rich edit control uses the dwCookie parameter to pass this value to your EditStreamCallback function. For example, you might use dwCookie to pass a handle to an open file. The callback function can then use the dwCookie handle to read from or write to the file.

The control calls the callback function repeatedly, transferring a portion of the data with each call. The control continues to call the callback function until one of the following conditions occurs:


  Windows NT: Requires version 3.51 or later.
  Windows: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in richedit.h.
  Import Library: User-defined.

See Also

Rich Edit Controls Overview, Rich Edit Callback Functions, EDITSTREAM, EM_STREAMIN, EM_STREAMOUT