The PARAFORMAT structure contains information about paragraph formatting attributes in a rich edit control. This structure is used with the EM_GETPARAFORMAT and EM_SETPARAFORMAT messages.

Rich Edit 2.0: The PARAFORMAT2 structure is a rich edit 2.0 extension of the PARAFORMAT structure. Rich edit 2.0 allows you to use either structure with EM_GETPARAFORMAT and EM_SETPARAFORMAT.

typedef struct _paraformat { 
    UINT cbSize; 
    _WPAD _wPad1; 
    DWORD dwMask; 
    WORD  wNumbering; 
    WORD  wReserved; 
    LONG  dxStartIndent; 
    LONG  dxRightIndent; 
    LONG  dxOffset; 
    WORD  wAlignment; 
    SHORT cTabCount; 
    LONG  rgxTabs[MAX_TAB_STOPS]; 


Size in bytes of this structure. Must be filled before passing to the rich edit control.
Members containing valid information or attributes to set. This parameter can be zero or more of these values:
Value Meaning
PFM_ALIGNMENT The wAlignment member is valid.
PFM_NUMBERING The wNumbering member is valid.
PFM_OFFSET The dxOffset member is valid.
PFM_OFFSETINDENT The dxStartIndent member is valid and specifies a relative value.
PFM_RIGHTINDENT The dxRightIndent member is valid.
PFM_STARTINDENT The dxStartIndent member is valid.
PFM_TABSTOPS The cTabStobs and rgxTabStops members are valid.

If both PFM_STARTINDENT and PFM_OFFSETINDENT are specified, PFM_STARTINDENT takes precedence.

Value specifying numbering options. This member can be zero or PFN_BULLET.
Indentation, in twips, of the first line in the paragraph. If the paragraph formatting is being set and PFM_OFFSETINDENT is specified, this member is treated as a relative value that is added to the starting indentation of each affected paragraph.
Size, in twips, of the right indentation, relative to the right margin.
Indentation, in twips, of the second line and subsequent lines, relative to the starting indentation. The first line is indented if this member is negative, or outdented is this member is positive.
Value specifying the paragraph alignment. This member can be one of the following values:
Value Meaning
PFA_LEFT Paragraphs are aligned with the left margin.
PFA_RIGHT Paragraphs are aligned with the right margin.
PFA_CENTER Paragraphs are centered.

Number of tab stops.
Array of absolute tab stop positions.


  Windows NT: Requires version 3.51 or later.
  Windows: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in richedit.h.

See Also

Rich Edit Controls Overview, Rich Edit Structures, EM_GETPARAFORMAT, EM_SETPARAFORMAT, PARAFORMAT2