System Classes

The system registers the system classes for all processes to use. Any process can use a system class at any time. Because the system registers these classes, a process cannot destroy them.

Each Win32-based application receives its own copy of the system classes. All 16-bit Windows-based applications in the same VDM share system classes, just as they do on 16-bit Windows.

The following table describes the system classes:

Class Description
Button The class for a button.
ComboBox The class for a combo box.
ComboLBox The class for the list box contained in a combo box.
DDEMLEvent Windows NT: The class for DDEML events.
Edit The class for an edit control.
ListBox The class for a list box.
MDIClient The class for an MDI client window.
Message Windows NT 5.0 and later: The class for a message-only window.
ScrollBar The class for a scroll bar.
Static The class for a static control.
#32768 The class for a menu.
#32769 The class for the desktop window.
#32770 The class for a dialog box.
#32771 The class for the task switch window.
#32772 Windows NT: The class for icon titles.

Windows 95 and Windows 98: The system registers the system classes when it starts.

Windows NT: The system registers the system classes for a process the first time one of its threads calls a User or a GDI function.