Active Window

An active window is the top-level window of the application with which the user is currently working. To allow the user to easily identify the active window, the system places it at the top of the Z order and changes the color of its title bar and border to the system-defined active window colors. Only a top-level window can be an active window. When the user is working with a child window, the system activates the top-level parent window associated with the child window.

Only one top-level window in the system is active at a time. The user activates a top-level window by clicking it (or one of its child windows), or by using the alt+esc or alt+tab key combination. An application activates a top-level window by calling the SetActiveWindow function. Other functions can cause the system to activate a different top-level window, including SetWindowPos, DeferWindowPos, SetWindowPlacement, and DestroyWindow. Although an application can activate a different top-level window at any time, to avoid confusing the user, it should do so only in response to a user action. An application uses the GetActiveWindow function to retrieve a handle to the active window.

When the activation changes from a top-level window of one application to the top-level window of another, the system sends a WM_ACTIVATEAPP message to both applications, notifying them of the change. When the activation changes to a different top-level window in the same application, the system sends both windows a WM_ACTIVATE message.