[MSDN Library April 2000] BUG: Unable to Create Web Projects on PWS 4.0 (54.765625%)
MSDN Library - April 2000 > Knowledge Base > Visual InterDev
[MSDN Library April 2000] BUG: GPF When Setting a Breakpoint on a Stored Procedure (54.765625%)
MSDN Library - April 2000 > Knowledge Base > Visual InterDev
[MSDN Library April 2000] BUG: File May Change When Saving to a Web Project (54.375%)
MSDN Library - April 2000 > Knowledge Base > Visual InterDev
[MSDN Library April 2000] BUG: Intellisense May Indicate Optional Parameters are Required (53.984375%)
MSDN Library - April 2000 > Knowledge Base > Visual InterDev
[MSDN Library April 2000] BUG: OLE Automation Returns 'Element not found' Error (53.9813112745098%)
MSDN Library - April 2000 > Knowledge Base > Visual SourceSafe