[MSDN Library April 2000] HOWTO: Creating a Custom AppWizard that Creates Java Projects (56.3148907103825%)
MSDN Library - April 2000 > Knowledge Base > Visual Studio
[MSDN Library April 2000] HOWTO: Customize the Differences Window (55.9887005649717%)
MSDN Library - April 2000 > Knowledge Base > Visual SourceSafe
[MSDN Library April 2000] HOWTO: Review Visual InterDev Generated Code for CSSI (55.9887005649717%)
MSDN Library - April 2000 > Knowledge Base > Visual InterDev
[MSDN Library April 2000] HOWTO: Use SSInt.exe in Visual SourceSafe (55.5649717514124%)
MSDN Library - April 2000 > Knowledge Base > Visual SourceSafe
[MSDN Library April 2000] HOWTO: Use the Microsoft RemoteData Control (55.3707627118644%)
MSDN Library - April 2000 > Knowledge Base > Visual C++