[MSDN Library April 2000] HOWTO: Pass an Automation Object from VB to a C/C++ DLL (76.2239583333333%)
MSDN Library - April 2000 > Knowledge Base > Visual C++
[MSDN Library April 2000] HOWTO: Properly Export Functions Using the MFC Shared Library (75.0520833333333%)
MSDN Library - April 2000 > Knowledge Base > Visual C++
[MSDN Library April 2000] HOWTO: Create MFC Applications that Do Not Have a Menu Bar (74.6614583333333%)
MSDN Library - April 2000 > Knowledge Base > Visual C++
[MSDN Library April 2000] HOWTO: Create a Sink Interface in MFC-Based COM Client (74.2708333333333%)
MSDN Library - April 2000 > Knowledge Base > Visual C++
[MSDN Library April 2000] HOWTO: Create a Static Library with Visual Workbench (73.8802083333333%)
MSDN Library - April 2000 > Knowledge Base > Visual C++