[MSDN Library April 2000] INFO: Promotion of char to int May Add Two Hex Digits in printf (88.3333333333333%)
MSDN Library - April 2000 > Knowledge Base > Visual C++
[MSDN Library April 2000] INFO: Format of the Document Template String (72.4603174603175%)
MSDN Library - April 2000 > Knowledge Base > Visual C++
[MSDN Library April 2000] INFO: Clarification of the 'g' Format Specifier for printf() (72.4603174603175%)
MSDN Library - April 2000 > Knowledge Base > Visual C++
[MSDN Library April 2000] INFO: Limits on Text in CEditView and CEdit (72.0634920634921%)
MSDN Library - April 2000 > Knowledge Base > Visual C++
[MSDN Library April 2000] INFO: Explanation of Two-Phase Construction in MFC (71.6666666666667%)
MSDN Library - April 2000 > Knowledge Base > Visual C++
[MSDN Library September 1992] INFO (10.6064403432824%)
Product Documentation > Win32 SDK for Windows NT > Programmer's Reference: API (prelim. ) > API Function Reference > Structures