MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0
Welcome to the MSDN Library
Visual Studio Documentation
Visual Basic Documentation
Visual C++ Documentation
Visual FoxPro Documentation
Visual InterDev Documentation
Visual J++ Documentation
Visual SourceSafe Documentation
Tools and Technologies
Microsoft Office Development
Platform SDK
What's New?
Windows Programming Guidelines
Database and Messaging Services
Graphics and Multimedia Services
Internet/Intranet/Extranet Services
Networking and Distributed Services
COM and ActiveX Object Services
Setup and Systems Management Services
User Interface Services
Microsoft Active Accessibility
Shell and Common Controls
Combo Boxes
Edit Controls
About Edit Controls
Edit Control Types and Styles
The Text Buffer
Changing the Formatting Rectangle
Text Operations
Selecting an Edit Control
Selecting Text
Replacing Text
Changing the Font Used By an Edit Control
Cut, Copy, Paste, and Clear Operations
Modifying Text
Limiting User-Entered Text
Character and Line Operations
Scrolling Text in an Edit Control
Setting Tab Stops and Margins
Concealing User Input
Using Integers
Undoing Text Operations
Handling Word Wrap
Retrieving Points and Characters
Edit Control Notification Messages
Edit Control Default Message Processing
Using Edit Controls
Edit Control Reference
List Boxes
Rich Edit Controls
Scroll Bars
Static Controls
User Input
Windows Base Services
SDK Documentation
DDK Documentation
Windows Resource Kits
Knowledge Base
Technical Articles
Partial Books
Conference Papers