MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0
Welcome to the MSDN Library
Visual Studio Documentation
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Visual C++ Documentation
Visual FoxPro Documentation
Visual InterDev Documentation
Visual J++ Documentation
Visual SourceSafe Documentation
Tools and Technologies
Microsoft Office Development
Platform SDK
SDK Documentation
DDK Documentation
Windows 95 Device Driver Kit
Windows CE Device Driver Kit
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 DDK
Legal Information
Release Notes for V4.0
Programmer's Guide
Kernel-Mode Drivers
Design Guide
Chapter 1 NT Drivers
Chapter 2 Layered I/O, IRPs, and I/O Objects
Chapter 3 NT Objects and Support for Drivers
Chapter 4 Basic Driver Structure
Chapter 5 DriverEntry and Reinitialize Routines
Chapter 6 Dispatch Routines
Chapter 7 StartIo and Queue Management Routines
Chapter 8 Interrupt Service Routine
Chapter 9 DpcForIsr Routine and CustomDpc Routines
Chapter 10 SynchCritSection Routines
Chapter 11 AdapterControl and ControllerControl Routines
Chapter 12 Cancel Routines
Chapter 13 IoCompletion Routines
Chapter 14 IoTimer and CustomTimerDpc Routines
Chapter 15 Unload Routine
Chapter 16 Common Driver Design Issues
Appendix A SCSI Drivers
Appendix A SCSI Drivers
A.1 Designing a SCSI Class Driver
A.1 Designing a SCSI Class Driver
A.1.1 Supporting I/O Requests
A.1.2 Supporting SCSI-Specific Functionality
A.1.3 SCSI Class Driver's DriverEntry Routine
A.1.4 SCSI Class Driver's Dispatch Routines
A.1.4 SCSI Class Driver's Dispatch Routines
A.1.4.1 Handling Requests to SCSI Peripherals
A.1.4.2 Handling SCSI Pass-Through Requests
A.1.4.3 Queueing SCSI Requests
A.1.4.4 SCSI Class Driver's BuildSrb Routine
A.1.4.5 SCSI Class Driver's SplitTransferRequest Routine
A.1.5 SCSI Class Driver's IoCompletion Routines
A.2 Designing a SCSI Filter Driver
A.3 Designing a SCSI Tape Miniclass Driver
A.4 Designing a SCSI Miniport Driver
Kernel-mode Glossary
Graphics Drivers
Multimedia Drivers
Network Drivers
Virtual DOS Drivers
Smart Card DDK
Windows Resource Kits
Knowledge Base
Technical Articles
Partial Books
Conference Papers