MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0
Welcome to the MSDN Library
Visual Studio Documentation
Visual Basic Documentation
Visual C++ Documentation
Visual FoxPro Documentation
Visual InterDev Documentation
Visual J++ Documentation
Visual SourceSafe Documentation
Tools and Technologies
Microsoft Office Development
Platform SDK
SDK Documentation
DDK Documentation
Windows 95 Device Driver Kit
Windows CE Device Driver Kit
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 DDK
Legal Information
Release Notes for V4.0
Programmer's Guide
Kernel-Mode Drivers
Graphics Drivers
Design Guide
Part 1: Graphics Drivers
Part 2: Display and Video Miniport Drivers
Part 3: Print Components
Appendix A: Porting Graphics Drivers To Windows NT 4.0 from 3.51
Porting Graphics Drivers To Windows NT 4.0 from 3.51
Porting Graphics Drivers To Windows NT 4.0 from 3.51
Snapshot of the Windows NT 3.51 and 4.0 Graphics Architectures
Why Change the Graphics Architecture?
Why Change the Graphics Architecture?
Why Change the Graphics Drivers?
Porting Steps for Graphics Drivers
Porting Steps for Display Drivers
Porting Steps for Printer Drivers
New GDI Service Routines
Obsolete GDI/DDI Routines
Multimedia Drivers
Network Drivers
Virtual DOS Drivers
Smart Card DDK
Windows Resource Kits
Knowledge Base
Technical Articles
Partial Books
Conference Papers