- ▼MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0
- ▶Welcome to the MSDN Library
- ▶Visual Studio Documentation
- ▶Visual Basic Documentation
- ▶Visual C++ Documentation
- ▶Visual FoxPro Documentation
- ▶Visual InterDev Documentation
- ▶Visual J++ Documentation
- ▶Visual SourceSafe Documentation
- ▶Tools and Technologies
- ▼Microsoft Office Development
- ▶Office 97 Documentation
- ▼Office 95 Documentation
- ▶Access
- ▶Excel
- ▶Office
- ▶Project
- ▼Word
- ▼Microsoft Word Developer's Kit
- ▶About This Book
- ▶Part 1: Learning WordBasic
- ▼Part 2: WordBasic Reference
- ▶Language Differences Across Versions of Word
- ▶Language Summary
- ▼Statements and Functions
- Abs()
- Activate
- ActivateObject
- AddAddIn, AddAddIn()
- AddAddress
- AddButton
- AddDropDownItem
- AddInState, AddInState()
- AllCaps, AllCaps()
- AnnotationRefFromSel$()
- AOCEAddRecipient
- AOCEAuthenticateUser()
- AOCEClearMailerField
- AOCECountRecipients()
- AOCEGetRecipient$()
- AOCEGetSender$()
- AOCEGetSubject$()
- AOCESendMail
- AOCESetSubject
- AppActivate
- AppClose
- AppCount()
- AppGetNames, AppGetNames()
- AppHide
- AppInfo$()
- AppIsRunning()
- AppMaximize, AppMaximize()
- AppMinimize, AppMinimize()
- AppMove
- AppRestore, AppRestore()
- AppSendMessage
- AppSize
- AppSize
- AppWindowHeight, AppWindowHeight()
- AppWindowPosLeft, AppWindowPosLeft()
- AppWindowPosTop, AppWindowPosTop()
- AppWindowWidth, AppWindowWidth()
- Asc()
- AtEndOfDocument()
- AtStartOfDocument()
- AutoMarkIndexEntries
- AutomaticChange
- AutoText
- AutoTextName$()
- Beep
- Begin Dialog...End Dialog
- Bold, Bold()
- BookmarkName$()
- BorderBottom, BorderBottom()
- BorderInside, BorderInside()
- BorderLeft, BorderLeft()
- BorderLineStyle, BorderLineStyle()
- BorderNone, BorderNone()
- BorderOutside, BorderOutside()
- BorderRight, BorderRight()
- BorderTop, BorderTop()
- Call
- Cancel
- CancelButton
- CenterPara, CenterPara()
- ChangeCase, ChangeCase()
- CharColor, CharColor()
- CharLeft, CharLeft()
- CharRight, CharRight()
- ChDefaultDir
- ChDir
- CheckBox
- CheckBoxFormField
- ChooseButtonImage
- Chr$()
- CleanString$()
- ClearAddIns
- ClearFormField
- Close
- ClosePane
- ClosePreview
- CloseUpPara
- CloseViewHeaderFooter
- CmpBookmarks()
- ColumnSelect
- ComboBox
- CommandValid()
- Connect
- ControlRun
- Converter$()
- ConverterLookup()
- ConvertObject
- CopyBookmark
- CopyButtonImage
- CopyFile
- CopyFormat
- CopyText
- CountAddIns()
- CountAutoCorrectExceptions()
- CountAutoTextEntries()
- CountBookmarks()
- CountDirectories()
- CountDocumentProperties()
- CountDocumentVars()
- CountFiles()
- CountFonts()
- CountFoundFiles()
- CountKeys()
- CountLanguages()
- CountMacros()
- CountMenuItems()
- CountMenus()
- CountMergeFields()
- CountStyles()
- CountToolbarButtons()
- CountToolbars()
- CountToolsGrammarStatistics()
- CountWindows()
- CreateSubdocument
- Date$()
- DateSerial()
- DateValue()
- Day()
- Days360()
- DDEExecute
- DDEInitiate()
- DDEPoke
- DDERequest$()
- DDETerminate
- DDETerminateAll
- Declare
- DefaultDir$()
- DeleteAddIn
- DeleteBackWord
- DeleteButton
- DeleteDocumentProperty
- DeleteWord
- DemoteList
- DemoteToBodyText
- Dialog, Dialog()
- DialogEditor
- Dim
- DisableAutoMacros
- DisableInput
- DlgControlId()
- DlgEnable, DlgEnable()
- DlgFilePreview, DlgFilePreview$()
- DlgFocus, DlgFocus$()
- DlgListBoxArray, DlgListBoxArray()
- DlgLoadValues, DlgLoadValues()
- DlgSetPicture
- DlgStoreValues
- DlgText, DlgText$()
- DlgValue, DlgValue()
- DlgValue, DlgValue()
- DlgVisible, DlgVisible()
- DocClose
- DocMinimize, DocMinimize()
- DocMinimize, DocMinimize()
- DocMove
- DocRestore
- DocSize
- DocSplit, DocSplit()
- DocumentHasMisspellings()
- DocumentPropertyExists()
- DocumentPropertyName$()
- DocumentPropertyType()
- DocumentProtection()
- DocumentStatistics
- DocWindowHeight, DocWindowHeight()
- DocWindowPosLeft, DocWindowPosLeft()
- DocWindowPosTop, DocWindowPosTop()
- DocWindowWidth, DocWindowWidth()
- DoFieldClick
- DOSToWin$()
- DottedUnderline, DottedUnderline()
- DoubleUnderline, DoubleUnderline()
- DrawAlign
- DrawArc
- DrawBringForward
- DrawBringInFrontOfText
- DrawBringToFront
- DrawCallout
- DrawClearRange
- DrawCount()
- DrawCount()
- DrawCountPolyPoints()
- DrawDisassemblePicture
- DrawEllipse
- DrawExtendSelect
- DrawFlipHorizontal
- DrawFlipVertical
- DrawFreeformPolygon
- DrawGetCalloutTextbox
- DrawGetPolyPoints
- DrawGetType()
- DrawGroup
- DrawInsertWordPicture
- DrawLine
- DrawNudgeDown
- DrawNudgeDownPixel
- DrawNudgeLeft
- DrawNudgeLeftPixel
- DrawNudgeRight
- DrawNudgeRightPixel
- DrawNudgeUp
- DrawNudgeUpPixel
- DrawRectangle
- DrawResetWordPicture
- DrawReshape
- DrawRotateLeft
- DrawSelectNext
- DrawSelectPrevious
- DrawSendBackward
- DrawSendBehindText
- DrawSendToBack
- DrawSetCalloutTextbox
- DrawSetInsertToAnchor
- DrawSetInsertToTextbox
- DrawSetPolyPoints
- DrawSetRange, DrawSetRange()
- DrawSnapToGrid
- DrawTextBox
- DrawUngroup
- DrawUnselect
- DropDownFormField
- DropListBox
- EditAutoText
- EditBookmark
- EditButtonImage
- EditClear
- EditConvertAllEndnotes
- EditConvertAllFootnotes
- EditConvertNotes
- EditCopy
- EditCopyAsPicture
- EditCreatePublisher
- EditCut
- EditCopyAsPicture
- EditCreatePublisher
- EditCut
- EditFind
- EditFindBorder
- EditFindClearFormatting
- EditFindFont
- EditFindFound()
- EditFindFrame
- EditFindHighlight
- EditFindLang
- EditFindNotHighlight
- EditFindPara
- EditFindStyle
- EditFindTabs
- EditGoTo
- EditLinks
- EditObject
- EditPaste
- EditPasteSpecial
- EditPicture
- EditPublishOptions
- EditRedo
- EditRepeat
- EditReplace
- EditReplaceBorder
- EditReplaceClearFormatting
- EditReplaceFont
- EditReplaceFrame
- EditReplaceHighlight
- EditReplaceLang
- EditReplaceNotHighlight
- EditReplacePara
- EditReplaceStyle
- EditReplaceTabs
- EditSelectAll
- EditSubscribeOptions
- EditSubscribeTo
- EditSwapAllNotes
- EditTOACategory
- EditUndo
- EmptyBookmark()
- EnableFormField
- EndOfColumn, EndofColumn()
- EndOfDocument, EndOfDocument()
- EndOfLine, EndOfLine()
- EndOfRow, EndOfRow()
- EndOfWindow, EndOfWindow()
- Environ$()
- Eof()
- Err
- Error
- ExistingBookmark()
- ExitWindows
- ExtendMode()
- ExtendSelection
- FieldSeparator$, FieldSeparator$()
- FileAOCEAddMailer
- FileAOCEDeleteMailer
- FileAOCEExpandMailer
- FileAOCEForwardMail
- FileAOCENextLetter
- FileAOCEReplyAllMail
- FileAOCEReplyMail
- FileAOCESendMail
- FileClose
- FileCloseAll
- FileClosePicture
- FileConfirmConversions, FileConfirmConversions()
- FileCreator$()
- FileDocumentLayout
- FileExit
- FileFind
- FileList
- FileMacCustomPageSetupGX
- FileMacPageSetup
- FileMacPageSetupGX
- FileName$()
- FileNameFromWindow$()
- FileNameInfo$()
- FileNew
- FileNewDefault
- FileNumber
- FileOpen
- FilePageSetup
- FilePost
- FilePreview
- FilePrint
- FilePrintDefault
- FilePrintOneCopy
- FilePrintPreview, FilePrintPreview()
- FilePrintPreviewFullScreen
- FilePrintPreviewPages, FilePrintPreviewPages()
- FilePrintSetup
- FileProperties
- FileQuit
- FileRoutingSlip
- Files$()
- FileSave
- FileSaveAll
- FileSaveAs
- FileSendMail
- FileSummaryInfo
- FileTemplates
- FileType$()
- Font, Font$()
- FontSize, FontSize()
- FontSizeSelect
- FontSubstitution
- For...Next
- FormatAddrFonts
- FormatAutoFormat
- FormatBordersAndShading
- FormatBullet
- FormatBulletDefault, FormatBulletDefault()
- FormatBulletsAndNumbering
- FormatCallout
- FormatChangeCase
- FormatColumns
- FormatDefineStyleBorders
- FormatDefineStyleFont
- FormatDefineStyleFrame
- FormatDefineStyleLang
- FormatDefineStyleNumbers
- FormatDefineStylePara
- FormatDefineStyleTabs
- FormatDrawingObject
- FormatDropCap
- FormatFont
- FormatFrame
- FormatHeaderFooterLink
- FormatHeadingNumber
- FormatHeadingNumbering
- FormatMultilevel
- FormatNumber
- FormatNumberDefault, FormatNumberDefault()
- FormatPageNumber
- FormatParagraph
- FormatPicture
- FormatRetAddrFonts
- FormatSectionLayout
- FormatStyle
- FormatStyleGallery
- FormatTabs
- FormFieldOptions
- FormShading, FormShading()
- FoundFileName$()
- Function...End Function
- GetAddInID()
- GetAddInName$()
- GetAddress$()
- GetAttr()
- GetAutoCorrect$()
- GetAutoCorrectException$()
- GetAutoText$()
- GetBookmark$()
- GetCurValues
- GetDirectory$()
- GetDocumentProperty(), GetDocumentProperty$()
- GetDocumentVar$()
- GetDocumentVarName$()
- GetFieldData$()
- GetFormResult(), GetFormResult$()
- GetMergeField$()
- GetPrivateProfileString$()
- GetProfileString$()
- GetSelEndPos()
- GetSelStartPos()
- GetSystemInfo, GetSystemInfo$()
- GetText$()
- GoBack
- Goto
- GroupBox
- GoToAnnotationScope
- GoToNextItem
- GoToNextItem
- GoToPreviousItem
- GroupBox
- GrowFont
- GrowFontOnePoint
- HangingIndent
- Help
- HelpAbout
- HelpActiveWindow
- HelpContents
- HelpExamplesAndDemos
- HelpIndex
- HelpKeyboard
- HelpMSN
- HelpPSSHelp
- HelpQuickPreview
- HelpSearch
- HelpTipOfTheDay
- HelpTool
- HelpUsingHelp
- HelpWordPerfectHelp
- HelpWordPerfectHelpOptions
- Hidden, Hidden()
- Highlight
- HighlightColor, HighlightColor()
- HLine
- Hour()
- HPage
- HScroll, HScroll()
- If...Then...Else
- Indent
- Input
- Input$()
- InputBox$()
- Insert
- InsertAddCaption
- InsertAddress
- InsertAnnotation
- InsertAutoCaption
- InsertAutoText
- InsertBreak
- InsertCaption
- InsertCaptionNumbering
- InsertChart
- InsertColumnBreak
- InsertCrossReference
- InsertDatabase
- InsertDateField
- InsertDateTime
- InsertDrawing
- InsertEquation
- InsertExcelTable
- InsertField
- InsertFieldChars
- InsertFile
- InsertFootnote
- InsertFormField
- InsertFrame
- InsertIndex
- InsertMergeField
- InsertObject
- InsertPageBreak
- InsertPageField
- InsertPageNumbers
- InsertPara
- InsertPicture
- InsertSectionBreak
- InsertSound
- InsertSpike
- InsertSubdocument
- InsertSymbol
- InsertTableOfAuthorities
- InsertTableOfContents
- InsertTimeField
- InsertTimeField
- InsertWordArt
- InStr()
- Int()
- IsAutoCorrectException()
- IsCustomDocumentProperty()
- IsDocumentDirty()
- IsDocumentPropertyReadOnly()
- IsExecuteOnly()
- IsMacro()
- IsTemplateDirty()
- Italic, Italic()
- JustifyPara, JustifyPara()
- KeyCode()
- KeyMacro$()
- Kill
- Language, Language$()
- LCase$()
- Left$()
- LeftPara, LeftPara()
- Len()
- Let
- Line Input
- LineDown, LineDown()
- LineUp, LineUp()
- ListBox
- ListCommands
- LockDocument, LockDocument()
- LockFields
- Lof()
- LTrim$()
- MacID$()
- MacroCopy
- MacroDesc$()
- MacroFileName$()
- MacroName$()
- MacroNameFromWindow$()
- MacScript, MacScript$()
- Magnifier, Magnifier()
- MailCheckNames
- MailHideMessageHeader
- MailMerge
- MailMergeAskToConvertChevrons, MailMergeAskToConvertChevrons()
- MailMergeCheck
- MailMergeConvertChevrons, MailMergeConvertChevrons()
- MailMergeCreateDataSource
- MailMergeCreateHeaderSource
- MailMergeDataForm
- MailMergeDataSource$()
- MailMergeEditDataSource
- MailMergeEditHeaderSource
- MailMergeEditMainDocument
- MailMergeFindRecord
- MailMergeFirstRecord
- MailMergeFoundRecord()
- MailMergeGotoRecord, MailMergeGotoRecord()
- MailMergeHelper
- MailMergeInsertAsk
- MailMergeInsertFillIn
- MailMergeInsertIf
- MailMergeInsertMergeRec
- MailMergeInsertMergeSeq
- MailMergeInsertNext
- MailMergeInsertNextIf
- MailMergeInsertSet
- MailMergeInsertSkipIf
- MailMergeLastRecord
- MailMergeMainDocumentType, MailMergemainDocumentType()
- MailMergeNextRecord
- MailMergeOpenDataSource
- MailMergeOpenHeaderSource
- MailMergePrevRecord
- MailMergeQueryOptions
- MailMergeReset
- MailMergeState()
- MailMergeToDoc
- MailMergeToPrinter
- MailMergeUseAddressBook
- MailMergeViewData, MailMergeViewData()
- MailMessageDelete
- MailMessageForward
- MailMessageMove
- MailMessageNext
- MailMessagePrevious
- MailMessageProperties
- MailMessageReply
- MailMessageReplyAll
- MailSelectNames
- MarkCitation
- MarkIndexEntry
- MarkTableOfContentsEntry
- MenuItemMacro$()
- MenuItemText$()
- MenuMode
- MenuText$()
- MergeFieldName$()
- MergeSubdocument
- MicrosoftApplication
- Mid$()
- Minute()
- MkDir
- Month()
- MountVolume, MountVolume()
- MoveButton
- MoveText
- MoveToolbar
- MsgBox, MsgBox()
- Name
- NewToolbar
- NextCell, NextCell()
- NextField, NextField()
- NextMissprelling
- NextObject
- NextPage, NextPage()
- NextTab()
- NextWindow
- NormalFontPosition
- NormalFontSpacing
- NormalStyle
- NormalViewHeaderArea
- NoteOptions
- Now()
- PrintOK
- OKButton
- On Error
- OnTime
- Open
- OpenSubdocument
- OpenUpPara
- OptionButton
- OptionGroup
- Organizer
- OtherPane
- Outline, Outline()
- OutlineCollapse
- OutlineDemote
- OutlineExpand
- OutlineLevel()
- OutlineMoveDown
- OutlineMoveUp
- OutlinePromote
- OutlineShowFirstLine, OutlineShowFirstLine()
- OutlineShowFormat
- Overtype, Overtype()
- PageDown, PageDown()
- PageUp, PageUp()
- ParaDown, ParaDown()
- ParaKeepWithNext, ParaKeepWithNext()
- ParaPageBreakBefore, ParaPageBreakBefore()
- ParaUp, ParaUp()
- ParaWidowOrphanControl, ParaWidowOrphanControl()
- PasteButtonImage
- PasteFormat
- PathFromMacPath$()
- PathFromWinPath$()
- PauseRecorder
- Picture
- PrevCell, PrevCell()
- PrevField, PrevField()
- PrevObject
- PrevPage, PrevPage()
- PrevTab()
- PrevWindow
- Print
- PromoteList
- PushButton
- PutFieldData
- Read
- Redim
- RemoveAllDropDownItems
- RemoveBulletsNumbers
- RemoveDropDownItem
- RemoveFrames
- RemoveSubdocument
- RenameMenu
- RepeatFind
- ResetButtonImage
- ResetChar, ResetChar()
- ResetNoteSepOrNotice
- ResetPara, ResetPara()
- Right$()
- RightPara, RightPara()
- RmDir
- Rnd()
- RTrim$()
- RunPrintManager
- SaveTemplate
- ScreenRefresh
- ScreenUpdating, ScreenUpdating()
- Second()
- Seek, Seek()
- Select Case
- SelectCurAlignment
- SelectCurColor
- SelectCurFont
- SelectCurIndent
- SelectCurSentence
- SelectCurSpacing
- SelectCurTabs
- SelectCurWord
- SelectDrawingObjects
- Selection$()
- SelectionFileName$()
- SelInfo()
- SelType, SelType()
- SendKeys
- SentLeft, SentLeft()
- SentRight, SentRight()
- SetAttr
- SetAutoText
- SetDocumentDirty
- SetDocumentProperty
- SetDocumentPropertyLink
- SetDocumentVar, SetDocumentVar()
- SetEndOfBookmark
- SetFileCreatorAndType
- SetFormResult
- SetPrivateProfileString, SetPrivateProfileString()
- SetProfileString
- SetSelRange
- SetStartOfBookmark
- SetTemplateDirty
- Sgn()
- ShadingPattern, ShadingPattern()
- Shadow, Shadow()
- Shell
- ShowAll, ShowAll()
- ShowAllHeadings
- ShowAnnotationBy
- Showclipboard
- ShowHeadingNumber
- ShowMe
- ShowNextHeaderFooter
- ShowPrevHeaderFooter
- ShowVars
- ShrinkFont
- ShrinkFontOnePoint
- ShrinkSelection
- SizeToolbar
- SkipNumbering, SkipNumbering()
- SmallCaps, SmallCaps()
- SortArray
- Spacepara1, Spacepara1()
- SpacePara15, SpacePara15()
- SpacePara2, SpacePara2()
- SpellChecked, SpellChecked()
- Spike
- SplitSubdocument
- StartOfColumn, StartOfColumn()
- StartOfDocument, StartOfDocument()
- StartOfLine, StartOfLine()
- StartOfRow, StartOfRow()
- StartOfWindow, StartOfWindow()
- Stop
- Str$()
- Strikethrough, Strikethrough()
- String$()
- Style
- StyleDesc$()
- StyleName$()
- Sub...End Sub
- Subscript, Subscript()
- Superscript, Superscript()
- SymboleFont
- TabLeader$()
- TableAutoFormat
- TableAutoSum
- TableColumnWidth
- TableDeleteCells
- TableDeleteColumn
- TableDeleteRow
- TableFormula
- TableGridlines, TableGridlines()
- TableHeadings, TableHeadings()
- TableInsertCells
- TableInsertColumn
- TableInsertRow
- TableInsertTable
- TableMergeCells
- TableRowHeight
- TableSelectColumn
- TableSelectRow
- TableSelectTable
- TableSort
- TableSortAToZ
- TableSortZToA
- TableSplit
- TableSplitCells
- TableToText
- TableUpdateAutoFormat
- TabType()
- Text
- TextBox
- TextFormField
- TextToTable
- Time$()
- TimeSerial()
- TimeValue()
- TipWizard
- Today()
- ToggleFieldDisplay
- ToggleFull
- ToggleHeaderFooterLink
- ToggleMainTextLayer
- TogglePortrait
- ToggleScribbleMode
- ToolbarButtonMarcro$()
- ToolbarName$()
- ToolbarState()
- ToolsAddRecordDefault
- ToolsAdvancedSettings
- ToolsAutoCorrect
- ToolsAutoCorrectCapsLockOff, ToolsAutoCorrectCapsLockOff()
- ToolsAutoCorrectDays, ToolsAutoCorrectDays()
- ToolsAutoCorrectExceptions
- ToolsAutoCorrectInitialCaps, ToolsAutoCorrectInitialCaps()
- ToolsAutoCorrectReplaceText, ToolsAutoCorrectReplaceText()
- ToolsAutoCorrectSentenceCaps, ToolsAutoCorrectSentenceCaps()
- ToolsAutoCorrectSmartQuotes, ToolsAutoCorrectSmartQuotes()
- ToolsBulletListDefault
- ToolsBulletsNumbers
- ToolsCalculate, ToolsCalculate()
- ToolsCompareVersions
- ToolsCreateEnvelope
- ToolsCreateLabels
- ToolsCustomize
- ToolsCustomizeKeyboard
- PrintToolsCustomizeMenuBar
- ToolsCustomizeMenus
- ToosGetSpelling, ToolsGetSpelling()
- ToolsGetSynonyms, ToolsGetSynonyms()
- ToolsGrammar
- ToolsGrammarStatisticsArray
- ToolsHyphenation
- ToolsHyphenationManual
- ToolsLanguage
- ToolsMacro
- ToolsManageFields
- ToolsMergeRevisions
- ToolsNumberListDefault
- ToolsOptions
- ToolsOptionsAutoFormat
- ToolsOptionsCompatibility
- ToolsOptionsEdit
- ToolsOptionsFileLocations
- ToolsOptionsGeneral
- ToolsOptionsGrammar
- ToolsOptionsPrint
- ToolsOptionsRevisions
- ToolsOptionsSave
- ToolsOptionsSpelling
- ToolsOptionsUserInfo
- ToolsOptionsView
- ToolsProtectDocument
- ToolsProtectSection
- ToolsRemoveRecordDefault
- ToolsRepaginate
- ToolsReviewRevisions
- ToolsRevisionAuthor$()
- PrintToolsRevisionDate()
- ToolsRevisionDate$90
- ToolsRevisions
- ToolsRevisionType()
- ToolsShrinkToFit
- ToolsSpelling
- ToolsSpellingRecheckDocument
- ToolsSpellSelection
- ToolsThesaurus
- ToolsUnprotectDocument
- ToolsWordCount
- UCase$()
- Underline, Underline()
- UnHang
- UnIndent
- UnlinkFields
- UnlockFields
- UpdateFields
- UpdateSource
- Val()
- ViewAnnotations, ViewAnnotations()
- ViewBorderToolbar
- ViewDraft, ViewDraft()
- ViewDrawingToolbar
- ViewEndnoteArea, ViewEndnoteArea()
- ViewEndnoteContNotice
- ViewEndnoteContSeparator
- ViewEndnoteSeparator
- ViewFieldCodes, ViewFieldCodes()
- ViewFooter, ViewFooter()
- ViewFootnoteArea, ViewFootnoteArea()
- ViewFootnoteContNotice
- ViewFootnoteContSeparator
- ViewFootnotes, ViewFootnotes()
- ViewFootnoteSeparator
- ViewHeader, ViewHeader()
- ViewMasterDocument, ViewMasterDocument()
- ViewMenus()
- ViewNormal, ViewNormal()
- ViewOutline, ViewOutline()
- ViewPage, ViewPage(0
- ViewRibbon, ViewRibbon()
- ViewRuler, ViewRuler()
- ViewStatusBar, ViewStatusBar()
- ViewToggleMasterDocument
- ViewToolbars
- ViewZoom
- ViewZoom100
- ViewZoom200
- ViewZoom75
- ViewZoomPageWidth
- ViewZoomWholePage
- VLine
- VPage
- VScroll, VScroll()
- WaitCursor
- Weekday()
- While...Wend
- Window()
- WindowArrangeAll
- WindowList
- WindowName$()
- WindowNewWindow
- WindowNumber
- WindowPane()
- WinToDOS$()
- WordLeft, WordLeft()
- WordRight, WordRight()
- WordUnderline, WordUnderline()
- Write
- Year()
- ▶Operators and Predefined Bookmarks
- ▶Error Messages
- ▶Part 3: Appendixes
- ▶Platform SDK
- ▶SDK Documentation
- ▶DDK Documentation
- ▶Windows Resource Kits
- ▶Specifications
- ▶Knowledge Base
- ▶Technical Articles
- ▶Backgrounders
- ▶Books
- ▶Partial Books
- ▶Periodicals
- ▶Conference Papers