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A query command requests that the data source return a Recordset object containing rows of requested information. Commands are typically written in SQL.
"SELECT * from authors".
Command cmd = New ADODB.Command;
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * from authors"
The content of an SQL string is fixed. However, you can create a parameterized command where '?' placeholder substrings can be replaced with parameters when a command is executed.
You can optimize the performance of parameterized commands with the Prepared property. You can issue them repeatedly, changing only their parameters each time.
For example, the following command string issues a query for all the authors whose last name is "Ringer":
Command cmd = New ADODB.Command
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * from authors WHERE au_lname = ?"
Each '?' placeholder is replaced by the value of a corresponding Parameter object in the Command object Parameters collection. Create a Parameter object with Ringer as the value, then append it to the Parameters collection:
Parameter prm = New ADODB.Parameter
prm.Name = "au_lname"
prm.Type = adVarChar
prm.Direction = adInput
prm.Size = 40
prm.Value = "Ringer"
cmd.Parameters.Append prm
ADO now offers a convenient alternative means to create a Parameter object and append it to the Parameters collection in one step.
cmd.Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter _
"au_lname", adVarChar, adInput, 40, "Ringer"
However, this tutorial won't use a parameterized command, because you must use the Command.Execute method to substitute the parameters for the ‘?’ placeholders. But that method wouldn't allow us to specify Recordset cursor type and lock options. For that reason, use this code:
Command cmd = New ADODB.Command;
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * from authors"
For your information, this is the schema of the authors table:
Column Name | Data Type(length) | Nullable |
au_id | ID (11) | no |
au_lname | varchar(40) | no |
au_fname | varchar(20) | no |
phone | char(12) | no |
address | varchar(40) | yes |
city | varchar(20) | yes |
state | char(2) | yes |
zip | char(5) | yes |
contract | bit | no |
Next Step 3