RDS Tutorial (VBScript)

See Also   

This is a restatement of the RDS Tutorial, written in Microsoft Visual Basic, Scripting Edition.

In this tutorial, RDS.DataControl and RDS.DataSpace are created at design time— that is, they are defined with object tags, like this: <OBJECT>...</OBJECT>. Alternatively, they could be created at run time with the Server.CreateObject method. For example, the RDS.DataControl object could be created like this:

Set DC = Server.CreateObject("RDS.DataControl")

<!-- RDS.DataControl -->
ID="DC1" CLASSID="CLSID:BD96C556-65A3-11D0-983A-00C04FC29E33">

<!-- RDS.DataSpace -->


Sub RDSTutorial()
Dim DF1 as Object

Step 1—Specify a server program

VBScript can discover the name of the IIS Web server it is running on by accessing the VBScript Request.ServerVariables method available to Active Server Pages:


However, for this tutorial, use the imaginary server, "yourServer".

Note   Pay attention to the data type of ByRef arguments. VBScript does not let you specify the variable type, so you must always pass a Variant. When using HTTP, RDS will allow you to pass a Variant to a method that expects a non-Variant if you invoke it with the RDS.DataSpace object CreateObject method. When using DCOM or an in-process server, match the parameter types on the client and server sides or you will receive a "Type Mismatch" error.

Set DF1 = DS1.CreateObject("RDSServer.DataFactory", "http://yourServer")

Step 2a—Invoke the server program with RDS.DataControl

This example is merely a comment demonstrating that the default behavior of the RDS.DataControl is to perform the specified query.

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:BD96C556-65A3-11D0-983A-00C04FC29E33" ID="DC1">
<PARAM NAME="Connect" VALUE="DSN=Pubs;">
<PARAM NAME="Server" VALUE="http://YourServer/">

Sub RDSTutorial2A()
Dim RS as New ADODB.Recordset
Set RS = DC1.Recordset

Step 2b—Invoke the server program with RDSServer.DataFactory

Step 3—Server obtains a Recordset

Step 4—Server returns the Recordset

Set RS = DF1.Query("DSN=pubs", "SELECT * FROM authors")

Step 5—DataControl is made usable by visual controls

' Assign the returned recordset to the DataControl.

DC1.SourceRecordset = RS

Step 6a—Changes are sent to the server with RDS.DataControl

This example is merely a comment demonstrating how the RDS.DataControl performs updates.

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:BD96C556-65A3-11D0-983A-00C04FC29E33" ID="DC1">
<PARAM NAME="Connect" VALUE="DSN=Pubs;">
<PARAM NAME="Server" VALUE="http://YourServer/">

Sub RDSTutorial6A()
Dim RS as New ADODB.Recordset
Set RS = DC1.Recordset
' Edit the Recordset object...
' The SERVER and CONNECT properties are already set from Step 2A.
Set DC1.SourceRecordset = RS

Step 6b—Changes are sent to the server with RDSServer.DataFactory

DF.SubmitChanges "DSN=pubs", RS

End Sub

This is the end of the tutorial.