Implementing IOleObject

The IOleObject interface is the principal means by which the ActiveX Designer communicates with its container. In most situations, an ActiveX Designer's container is the same as its host, for example, Visual Basic. However, an ActiveX Designer may also be nested within another container, such as another ActiveX Designer.

Although the IOleObject interface contains 21 methods, ActiveX Designers need not implement all of them; only those listed in the following table are required. The designer should return E_NOTIMPL for the methods it does not implement.




Moves the ActiveX Designer from the running state to the loaded state.


Invokes the ActiveX Designer to perform one of its enumerated actions.


Retrieves the ActiveX Designer's client site.


Returns status information about the ActiveX Designer.


Informs the ActiveX Designer of its client site in the container.


Communicates names of container application and container document.

You may, however, implement any of the other methods your ActiveX Designer requires for various other tasks. See the COM Programmer's Reference in the Platform Software Development Kit (SDK) of the Microsoft Developer's Network (MSDN) for more information on IOleObject.