
Appendix I

Web Proxy Messages

Web Proxy Service Messages
Web Proxy Client Messages

To TopWeb Proxy Service Messages

Web Proxy service messages listed in this appendix are displayed at the server computer as pop-up messages, or are registered in the Windows NT system log. Entries to the Web Proxy service log appear under the source name of WebProxyLog in the Windows NT system log. The Windows NT system log can be viewed by using Event Viewer.

The Web Proxy service returns many messages in the following general format:

Message text error number.


Message text is the explanatory message.

error number is a Windows NT error code number.

Not all error messages follow this format. For information about Windows NT error codes, see your documentation for Windows NT Server 4.0.

Following are the Web Proxy Service messages.

Logging information failed. The log object was never created possibly due to wrong configuration.

Information for configuring service logging may be missing or incorrect.

Using Internet Service Manager, verify that logging information for the service is entered correctly on the Logging property sheet in the Web Proxy service properties. Also, verify that the database is using the same settings for data source, table name, and user name as specified for Web Proxy service.

The creation of log context failed. The data is error code.

Information for configuring service logging may be missing or incorrect.

Verify that logging information for the service is entered correctly in the Web Proxy service properties by using Internet Service Manager, or you can view or change the registry entries for logging with this service by using the Registry Editor. Also, verify that the database is using the same settings for data source, table name, and user name as specified for Web Proxy service.

The parameters specified for logging are too long. Field: fieldname; Data Given: data.

The database table used for service logging requires an adjustment. Either the field is not long enough to contain the data, or the field type is incorrectly set in the database design.

Check the database configuration to see that table fields and data types declared for each field are entered correctly. For more information on setting up SQL or Access database tables for service logging, see “Monitoring.”

The server resumed request logging.

The Web Proxy Server was able to resume service logging without intervention.

No further action is required.

The server was unable to add the virtual root rootname for the directory directoryname due to the following error: number. The data is the error code.

The directory name is not recognized for the server volume specified in the virtual root mapping.

Check that the directory name entered for drive mapping is correct.

The server was unable to continue request log owing to failure indicated by error code in data. Additionally it received error message: number.

An error in service logging occurred for the Web Proxy service.

Contact your support provider for further assistance. Be sure to note the exact message text encountered and the number returned with the message.

The server was unable to find the log file directory directoryname. The data is error code.

The log file directory is either missing or has been incorrectly set for Web Proxy service properties.

Use Internet Service Manager to verify that the log file directory is set correctly on the Logging property sheet in Web Proxy service properties. Also, verify that the specified directory exists, and recreate the directory if necessary.

The server was unable to load ODBC32.DLL for SQL logging due to the following error: number. The data is the error code.

The specified dynamic-link library (DLL) could not be located in the current system path.

Verify the existence of the specified DLL in the Windows system directory. The system directory is typically C:\Winnt\System32.

The server was unable to logon the Windows NT account accountname due to the following error: number. The data is the error code.

The account name entered is not an account recognized by Windows NT.

Make sure the user name used is correctly entered.

The server was unable to open ODBC Data Source sourcename, Table: tablename, under User Name username. The ODBC Error is: number. The data is the error code.

The ODBC specified data source could not be opened because it does not exist or because the table and user name information is incorrect.

Use Internet Service Manager to verify that the ODBC Data Source, Table, User Name, and Password items are correctly entered on the Logging property sheet for Web Proxy Service properties. Check that the ODBC database is ready to accept logging.

The server was unable to register the administration tool discovery information. The administration tool may not be able to see this server. The data is the error code.

The server failed to register on the network.

Check for a server name conflict on the Internet.

W3PCache corrected a corrupted or old format URL cache by removing all or part of the cache’s contents.

Some cached objects have been deleted or removed from the cache and no further action is required. If message reoccurs, you can type chkdsk /r at an MS-DOS command prompt to locate disk errors and recover readable information for the disk drive.

W3PCache failed to initialize the URL Cache on disk.

Use Internet Service Manager to stop the Web Proxy service. Correct cache settings by selecting Reset Defaults from the Caching property sheet. Restart the Web Proxy service. If initialization fails, run Setup and select the Reinstall option.

If the problem continues you can also try running chkdsk /r to recover readable information, or deleting the cache directories and moving the cache to a different drive location. (Note: You must stop the WWW service before you can delete Web Proxy cache directories.)

W3PCache initialization failed due to incorrect configuration. Please use the administration utility or manually edit the registry to correct the error and restart the service.

Use Internet Service Manager to stop the WWW Service. This will also stop the Web Proxy service. Correct cache settings by selecting Reset Defaults from the Caching property sheet in the Web Proxy service properties. Restart the WWW Service. If cache initialization still fails, run Setup and select the Reinstall option.

If the problem continues, repeat the previous steps to stop the WWW service again, and delete the cache directories before running Setup to select the Reinstall option.

W3Proxy failed to start because the system time is incorrect.

The date and time on the server’s system clock is not correct and must be adjusted before the service can be started.

Reset the time and date for the server using the Date/Time application. This can be done by double-clicking the time display located in the Taskbar, or by selecting and double-clicking the Date/Time application icon in Control Panel.

If the time and date do not remain set, check for other contributing factors, such as incorrect time serving from another domain server, or if CMOS battery failure has started to occur on the server hardware.

To TopWeb Proxy Client Messages

The following is a listing of messages that are returned by Internet Information Server (IIS) services and can be seen by Web Proxy clients. These messages can appear to users during Web Proxy connections to use FTP, Gopher, or World Wide Web (WWW) services. Also, some messages are general in nature and common to all of these IIS services. The service that returns the message is noted with each entry in brackets, such as:

[Gopher Service]

where the message is specific to use of a Web Proxy connection to access Gopher services for IIS.

For HTTP browser messages, all client messages are of the form:

The Proxy Server has encountered an error. message-text.

Where message-text is a brief explanation of the error message. Use the text displayed to refer to more specific information about each message as it appears in the following listing.

A connection with the server could not be established.

[IIS - All Services]

The server specified for connection is not responding or not available.

Check that the server name was entered correctly, and that the server has available connections.

A Gopher protocol error occurred.

[Gopher Service]

Verify the server supports the same version of Gopher protocol used by the client. In some cases, protocol errors can occur between a server that supports only standard Gopher and a client that uses Gopher Plus.

A protocol with the required capabilities was not found.

[IIS - All Services]

Microsoft Proxy Server does not support the requested protocol.

You can try entering the request again. First, verify that the protocol is a supported type such as http://, ftp://, or   gopher://.

Access is denied

[WWW Service]

HTTP Error 5. This error indicates a security or permissions violation has occurred for the browser client. The server has been configured to deny access to the site URL requested.

Choose the OK button.

An error was detected while parsing the data.

[Gopher Service]

May indicate a problem with the Gopher server being accessed remotely.

Try later. Also, verify the server supports the same version of Gopher protocol used by the client. In some cases, protocol errors can occur between a server that supports only standard Gopher and a client that uses Gopher Plus.

An internal error occurred in the Proxy Internet extensions.

[IIS - All Services]

An error in software occurred for a Proxy Internet extension application needed for the current operation.

Contact your Microsoft support provider.

No more Internet handles can be allocated.

[IIS - All Services]

The Internet server does not have enough available resources to support the request for service at this time.

Try again later.

The access code is invalid

[WWW Service]

HTTP error 12. This error occurs when a client is attempting to connect by using the Internet port and the access to the proxy is invalid. It may be caused by a Local Address Table (LAT) configuration problem.

Copy the Msplat.txt to the client directory from the share source path on the Microsoft Proxy Server (typically C:\Msp\Clients).

The connection with the server was reset.

[IIS - All Services]

The connection was cleared at the server, or the server was shut down.

To complete the request, you will need to reconnect to the server and retry your request.

The connection with the server was terminated abnormally.

[IIS - All Services]

The server or the network was stopped without warning.

To complete the request, you will need to reconnect to the server and retry your request.

The FTP session was terminated.

[FTP Service]

The connection was closed, either because of a possible attempted security violation, or a timeout on the remote server.

Reconnect to the server or check for server availability. No further action is required.

The length is incorrect for the option type.

[IIS - All Services]

The length of the specified option in bytes is incorrect.

Reselect the current option and enter the data again while verifying that extra characters were not entered, and that the value you have entered is within the allowed length.

The locator is invalid.

[Gopher Service]

The locator used is not valid for the remote Gopher server.

Browse the directory and verify the correct path was used to locate the requested file.

The locator must be for a file.

[Gopher Service]

The URL entered is for a directory location and not a file.

Enter a Gopher URL that contains a file name. Browse the directory listing to locate the file.

The locator type is incorrect for this operation.

[Gopher Service]

Indicates a file name or directory name may be applied incorrectly.

Verify that the name used for specifying location is a file or directory name and correctly matched for the operation.

The locator type is not recognized.

[Gopher Service]

Indicates an incorrect Gopher type was used or the Gopher type used is not supported.

Verify that the name used for specifying location is a file or directory name and correctly matched for the operation.

The login request was denied.

[IIS - All Services]

The Internet server logon request was denied. The logon account may have been disabled or login information may have changed.

You can try logging on again to verify that information used was entered correctly. If the problem continues, contact the administrator for the Internet server you are requesting and report the problem.

The object or file requested is not referenced correctly or has been removed from the linked location.

[IIS - All Services]

Typically, this indicates that a hyperlink to another document is incorrect or no longer in effect.

Report the error to the system administrator for the remote server that returned this message. No further action is required.

The operation has been canceled.

[IIS - All Services]

The client or the server canceled this operation.

Clear the message. No further action is required.

The operation timed out.

[IIS - All Services]

The remote server did not respond within the time allowed.

The server may be unavailable at this time. Try again later or contact the server administrator.

The password was not allowed.

[IIS - All Services]

The password specified in the URL was not allowed. The password may have been changed or typed incorrectly.

Try entering the password again. If the problem continues, contact the system administrator for the remote server and report the problem.

The request for an HTTP header is invalid.

[WWW Service]

A header contained within the URL request is not recognized by the remote server.

You can contact the Web server administrator for the site to confirm that your browser is supported. No further action is required.

The request must be for a Gopher Plus item.

[Gopher Service]

The server and client do not support the same version of Gopher protocols.

The client must be modified or upgraded to use Gopher Plus.

The requested attribute was not found.

[Gopher Service]

The attribute requested is supported for Gopher Plus servers and was not found on the server.

Reconfigure the client to use standard Gopher protocol and resend the request.

The requested header was not found.

[WWW Service]

The requested URL contained source information that could not be located by the server.

Reload the document using the refresh function of your Web browser.

The requested operation is invalid.

[IIS - All Services]

The requested operation entered in the URL is not allowed or is not recognized by the remote Internet server.

You can enter the URL again or select a different operation. No further action is needed.

The server does not support the requested protocol level.

[WWW Service]

The protocol type specified in the URL request is not compatible with WWW or Web Proxy services or the requested resource.

Verify that the protocol entered is a supported protocol (such as FTP, Gopher, or HTTP) for proxy service.

The server name or address could not be resolved.

[IIS - All Services]

Find out if DNS, WINS, or DHCP services are in use on the local network. This message could indicate an error in client or server configuration settings for any of these services that are actively in use.

Review the TCP/IP Protocol properties by using the Network application in Control Panel for any of these services.

The server returned an invalid or unrecognized response.

[WWW Service]

The HTTP request could not be fully or correctly interpreted by the server. The request may have become corrupted by transmission errors.

In some cases, reloading the document in your Web browser may correct the problem. If the problem continues, contact your Microsoft support provider.

The server returned extended information.

[IIS - All Services]

Status information about the current connection was returned by the remote server that may or may not interfere with local processing of the client request. Review the request output for more detail.

The specified option is invalid.

[IIS - All Services]

The option requested is not available with your current configuration.

Clear the message and select a different option. No further action is required.

The specified option value can not be set.

[IIS - All Services]

The server does not support this value, or the value was typed incorrectly.

Retry the operation. If you still get this message, ask your network administrator to check the status of the remote computer.

The supplied HTTP header is invalid.

[WWW Service]

A header contained within the URL request is not recognized by the remote server.

You can contact the Web server administrator for the site to confirm that your browser is supported. No further action is required.

The URL does not use a recognized protocol.

[IIS - All Services]

The protocol is not supported or the request was not typed correctly.

Confirm that a valid protocol is used, such as http:// for a Web request.

The URL is invalid.

[IIS - All Services]

The request was not typed correctly.

Type the correct URL and retry.

The user name was not allowed.

[IIS - All Services]

The user name that was specified in URL was not allowed to log on.

Try a different name, or retry the same name after verifying that it is typed correctly.

There is already an FTP request in progress on this session.

[FTP Service]

Wait for the current request to be completed, or disconnect and then reconnect to the FTP server to check for server availability. No further action is required.

There is no more data.

[Gopher Service]

No more data exists beyond the last block of data returned from the server.

Stop the request for additional data by canceling the operation in progress.

Windows Internet Extension support has been shut down.

[IIS - All Services]

An Internet Extension application is required to complete the current operation.

Open the required Internet Extension application, then reselect this command option.

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