
Microsoft® Management Console (MMC) - previously known by the code name "Slate" - is an ISV-extensible, common console framework for management applications. The MMC will be released as part of the next major release of Windows NT®. When released, MMC will run on both the Windows NT (4.0 and later versions) and Windows® 95 operating systems (current and future versions).

MMC itself does not provide any management behavior, but it provides a common environment for Snap-Ins, which will be written by both Microsoft and ISVs. Snap-Ins provide the actual management behavior. The MMC environment provides for seamless integration between Snap-Ins, even those provided by different vendors.

Administrators will create tools from various Snap-Ins, from various vendors. Administrators can then save the tools they have created for later use, or for sharing with other administrators. This model provides the administrator with efficient tool customization, and the ability to create multiple tools of different levels of complexity for task delegation, among other benefits.