Using OLE Directory Services

Using Active Directory for Administration

Creating a List of Users.

Building lists of users and their properties is a common need. In this example, a Visual Basic script extracts all of the users in the "NS" namespace in the Austin organizational unit of the ABX Compute Corporation's Manufacturing division. Here each user's name and known telephone numbers (as they appear in the directory) are passed to a "PrintUser" routine.

Example 3: Creating a list of users

dim MyUserContainer as IOleDsContainer
dim MyUser as IOleDsUser

set MyUserContainer as GetOBject("@NS!ABX\Manufacturing\Austin")

for each MyUser in MyUserContainer
    PrintUser MyUser.Name, MyUser.BusinessInformation.TelephoneNumbers
next MyUser

Adding Users to Groups.

Adding users to groups for security purposes is a common and time-consuming activity for system administrators. In this example, the Austin users from the preceding example are added to the Manufacturing_Users group in the ABX organization, if they do not already belong.

Example 4: Adding users to groups

dim MyUserContainer as IOleDsContainer
dim MyUser as IOleDsUser
dim MyGroup as IOleDsGroup
dim Filter as Variant

Filter = Array("user");

set MyUserContainer = GetOBject("@NS!ABX\Manufacturing\Austin")
MyContainer.Filter = Filter  ' filter out all objects except users
set MyGroup = GetObject("@NS!ABX\Manufacturing_Users")

for each MyUser in MyUserContainer
    if not MyGroup.GeneralInfo.IsMember(MyUser) then
    end if
next MyUser

A slightly more sophisticated version will accomplish the same task for all organizational units in the manufacturing division.

Example 5: Adding users to groups - extended version

dim MyUserContainer as IOleDsContainer
dim MyOuContainer as IOleDsContainer
dim MyUser as IOleDsUser
dim MyGroup as IOleDsGroup
dim Filter as Variant

Filter = Array("ou")

set MyOuContainer = GetOBject("@NS!ABX\Manufacturing")
MyOuContainer.Filter = Filter

Filter = Array("user")

for each MyUserContainer in MyOuContainer
    MyUserContainer.Filter = Filter
for each MyUser in MyUserContainer
    if not MyGroup.GeneralInfo.IsMember(MyUser.OleDsPath) then
    end if
next MyUser
next MyUserContainer

Simplifying Administration: A "Real World" User Manager.

The notion of "user roles" is a common one in system administration. The access rights and privileges of a given user will depend on the roles a user fills. Rights and privileges are usually associated with security groups defined in a directory service. Unfortunately, the connection of a given "role" to a set of group memberships is generally defined in an administrator's memory or a notebook containing security procedures. When a new user is added to the system, the notebook or administrator who has the knowledge must be consulted to get the proper group memberships established.

In this example, the mapping of user roles to groups is captured in a small program written in Visual Basic. This program uses Active Directory to create the users and add them to the necessary groups based upon a "role" selected via the UI.

Example 6: Visual Basic Code for Active Directory User Addition Application

Setting up the Environment.

Global declarations hold the information necessary for running the sample application as is shown below:

Public Domain As IOleDs
Public MfgUsers As IOleDsGroup
Public PersUsers As IOleDsGroup
Public EngUsers As IOleDsGroup
Public FinUsers As IOleDsGroup
Public AcctUsers As IOleDsGroup

Public UserType As Integer

' Namespace root for Active Directory operations

Public Const NameRoot As String = "@WinNT!Pell"

' Constant values for each user role we handle

Public Const iAddDefault As Integer = 0
Public Const iAddPersonnel As Integer = 1
Public Const iAddFinance As Integer = 2
Public Const iAddEngineering As Integer = 3

When the form is displayed this code sets up the Active Directory Domain and Group objects needed by the sample application.

Private Sub Form_Load()
' When this form is loaded:
' Instantiate objects for the domain and groups to which users
' will be added
On Error GoTo Error_Form_Load
    StatusBar.Panels.Item(1).Text = "Connecting..."
    Set Domain = GetObject(NameRoot)
    Set MfgUsers = GetObject(NameRoot + "\Manufacturing_Users")
    Set PersUsers = GetObject(NameRoot + "\Personnel_Users")
    Set EngUsers = GetObject(NameRoot + "\Engineering_Users")
    Set FinUsers = GetObject(NameRoot + "\Finance_Users")
    Set AcctUsers = GetObject(NameRoot + "\Accounting_Users")
    ' Let the user know we are ready
    StatusBar.Panels.Item(1).Text = "Ready"
    Exit Sub
    ' Let the user know we have a problem
    StatusBar.Panels.Item(1).Text = "Init Err:" + Str(Err.Number)
End Sub
Selecting the Role.

This code stores the role the user will have. It is called whenever one of the "role" radio buttons is clicked to save the newly selected role. The value of "index" will be one of the values for which constants have been defined in the global declarations.

Private Sub OptionUser_Click(Index As Integer)
    UserType = Index
End Sub
Adding the New User.

This code creates the new user and adds the new user to the groups associated with their role.

Private Sub ButtonAdd_Click()
Dim NewUser As IOleDsUser
    Dim businfo As IOleDsFSUserBusinessInformation
    On Error GoTo ButtonAdd_Error
    StatusBar.Panels.Item(1).Text = "Adding User..."
    ' check the password
    If TextPassword <> TextPassword2 Then
        response = MsgBox("Passwords do not match.", vbCritical, "Re-enter Password")
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ' Add a new user to the domain
    ' First, create the new user object
    Set NewUser = Domain.Create("user", TextUserId)
    ' Set the properties of the user object
    With NewUser.BusinessInformation
        .FullName = TextFirstName + " " + TextLastName
        .Description = TextDescription
    End With
' write to the DS
' set the password
    NewUser.AccountRestrictions.SetPassword (TextPassword)
' Add the new user to the desired groups
    Select Case UserType
        Case iAddPersonnel
            MfgUsers.GeneralInfo.Groups.Add (NewUser.OleDsPath)
            PersUsers.GeneralInfo.Groups.Add (NewUser.OleDsPath)
        Case iAddFinance
            FinUsers.GeneralInfo.Groups.Add (NewUser.OleDsPath)
            AcctUsers.GeneralInfo.Groups.Add (NewUser OleDsPath)
        Case iAddEngineering
            MfgUsers.GeneralInfo.Groups.Add (NewUser.OleDsPath)
            EngUsers.GeneralInfo.Groups.Add (NewUser.OleDsPath)
        Case Else 'add the default user
            MfgUsers.GeneralInfo.Groups.Add (NewUser.OleDsPath)
    End Select
StatusBar.Panels.Item(1).Text = "Ready"
    Exit Sub
     StatusBar.Panels.Item(1).Text = "Add Err:" + Str(Err.Number)
     Resume Next
End Sub