Several different name forms are provided and are described below.
RFC822 names are in the form somename@somedomain and are familiar to most users as Internet e-mail addresses; for example JamesSmith@ArcadiaBay.Com. The Windows NT next generation Directory Service provides a "friendly name" in RFC822 form for all objects. For example, a user can use a "friendly name" as an e-mail address, suitable for display on a business card, and as the name used to log in.
The Windows NT next generation Directory Service supports access from Web browsers via the HTTP protocol and the Microsoft Internet Information Server, the full-service Web server built in to Windows NT Server. HTTP URLs are familiar to most users who have Web browsers, and are in the form HTTP://somedomain/path-to-page. The next-generation Windows NTDS supports access to its contents via HTTP URLs in which "somedomain" refers to a server running the next generation Directory Service and "path-to-page" is the path through the next generation Directory Service hierarchy to the object of interest. For example:
HTTP://WWW.ArcadiaBay.Com/User.ASP?path=/OU=Division/ OU=Product/OU=IT/CN=JamesSmith
LDAP URLs and X.500 Names The Windows NT next generation Directory Service supports access via the LDAP protocol from any LDAP-enabled client. LDAP names are less intuitive than Internet names, but the complexity of LDAP naming is usually hidden within an application. LDAP names use the X.500 naming convention, called attributed naming. An LDAP URL names the server holding the next generation Directory Service and the attributed name of the object. For example:
The Windows NT next generation Directory Service supports the Universal Naming Convention used in Windows NT Server-based networks to refer to shared volumes, printers, and files. A user can refer to a shared file on a volume published in the Windows NT next generation Directory Service by a UNC name; for example:
\\Europe.ArcadiaBay.Com\FinanceSpreadsheets\ XLSheets\Budget.XLS
In this sample, "Europe.ArcadiaBay.Com" is the DNS name of the domain where the shared volume is published, "FinanceSpreadsheets" is the name of the shared volume published in the DS, and "\XLSheets\Budget.XLS" is the directory and file on the shared volume.