How it Works

Distributing a Section

Sections are actually stored as Word subdocuments. The following are the key bits of code to distribute a section.

Open the subdocument


Store the owner name and address in the subdocument (this is used to know where to return the document later)

    EditGoTo "\headinglevel"
    LineDown 1, 1
    ReportTitle$ = Selection$()
    result = Constants.fCurrentUser(OwnerName$, OwnerAddress$)
    result = SetDocumentVar("OwnerName", OwnerName$)
    result = SetDocumentVar("OwnerAddress", OwnerAddress$)
    result = SetDocumentVar("ReportTitle", ReportTitle$)    

Send the document via calls to MAPISetAttachment and MAPISendMail

If SendMailDialog(ReportTitle$, FName$) = - 1 Then

Function SendMailDialog(Subject$, Attachment$)
    Session = MAPILogon(0, "", "", MAPI_LOGON_UI, 0)
    result = MAPISetAttachment("", Attachment$, - 1, 0, 0)
    result = MAPISendMail(Session, 0, Subject$, \
        "Please complete this report.", MAPI_DIALOG, 0)
    SendMailDialog = result
    result = MAPILogoff(Session, 0, 0, 0)
End Function

Returning a Section

Returning a section involves automatically determining where to send it from entries in document variables. The following are the key bits of code to return a section.

Get Address to return to

        OwnerName$ = GetDocumentVar$("OwnerName")
        OwnerAddress$ = GetDocumentVar$("OwnerAddress")

Log on to MAPI

        Session = MAPILogon(0, "", "", MAPI_LOGON_UI, 0)

Set the recipient and attachment

        result = MAPISetRecipient(1, OwnerName$, OwnerAddress$)
        result = MAPISetMessageType(MessageType$)
        result = MAPISetAttachment("", fName$, - 1, 0, 0)

Call MAPISendMail to send the document

        result = MAPISendMail(session, 0, Subject$, "", 0, 0)
        If result >= 0 Then
            MsgBox "Section sent to " + Ownername$ + ".", 64
        End If

Log off MAPI

        result = MAPILogoff(Session, 0, 0, 0)