The Workstation Service

All user mode requests go through the Workstation service. This service consists of two components:

The Workstation service receives the user request and passes it to the kernel mode redirector.

Workstation Service Dependencies

The Workstation service is dependent on the following components:

The Workstation Service (Redirector) as a File System Driver

The redirector is a component through which one computer gains access to another computer. The Windows NT redirector allows connection to Windows NT, Windows for Workgroups, LAN Manager, LAN Server, and other MS-Net servers. The redirector communicates to the protocols via the TDI interface.

The redirector is implemented as a Windows NT file system driver. Implementing a redirector as a file system has several benefits:

Allows applications to call a single API (namely the Windows NT I/O API) to access files on local and remote computers. From the I/O Manager's perspective, there is no difference between accessing files stored on a remote networked computer and accessing those stored locally on a hard disk.

Runs in kernel mode so it can directly call other drivers and other kernel mode components such as the Cache Manager. This improves the performance of the redirector.

Accessing a Remote File

When a process on a Windows NT computer tries to open a file that resides on a remote computer, the following steps occur: