Custom Settings:

Custom Properties:

nSecs - Number of seconds counted. Carried out to three decimal places (this is what the SECONDS() function returns).

nStart- The time the watch was started measured in seconds since midnight.

nLast - The last time the timer event fired. This is a protected property.

Custom Methods:

Start - Starts the stop watch. The counter nSecs is cleared (you are starting back from 0) and the Interval of the timer is set to 200.

Pause - Updates the value of nSecs and then Stops the timer (sets interval to 0) but tracks when it was stopped. If the timer is RESUMEd from this point, nSecs picks up as if the timer had never been stopped.

This is the equivalent of a LAP button on a stopwatch.

Resume- This restarts the stop watch. If the timer is was PAUSEd, the counter continues as if it never was stopped (i.e., all the time the timer was paused in included in nSecs). If the timer was STOPped (with the STOP method) then the counter continues at the value it left off but all the timer that the counter was idle it is ignored.

Stop - This updates the timer and then stops it.

Overridden Methods:

Timer- Increments the seconds counter.

Init - Initializes various properties to 0.